RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
Progression free survival not associate with HRQOL. Just another study demonstrating why it's important to routinely assess our patient's mental well-being. Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology ht
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @ffquezad: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: more reasons why PROs need t…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @uranus_2: 癌の無増悪生存期間と健康関連QoLの間にはほとんど何も関係が検出されない。レビュー。Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Qual…
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
RT @SteveJoffe: This article from @m_waligora & many others in @JAMAInternalMed addresses a topic of first-order importance. https://t.co/d…
RT @SteveJoffe: This article from @m_waligora & many others in @JAMAInternalMed addresses a topic of first-order importance. https://t.co/d…
RT @SteveJoffe: This article from @m_waligora & many others in @JAMAInternalMed addresses a topic of first-order importance. https://t.co/d…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @dhjutsw1: ICYMI: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology. @UTSWIMchief @UTSWIMJ…
RT @chadinabhan: This @JAMAInternalMed paper on lack of correlation between PFS and HRQOL should give all a pause into which points are cri…
¿Vivir más o vivir mejor? #HRQoL https://t.co/wUmeq2zqGY
ICYMI: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology. @UTSWIMchief @UTSWIMJW https://t.co/nf0CiRA90q
RT @Annette_LEXA: Les mensonges de l'innovation en thérapies anticancereuses. On contorsionne les chiffres pour faire croire que la prise d…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
RT @Annette_LEXA: Les mensonges de l'innovation en thérapies anticancereuses. On contorsionne les chiffres pour faire croire que la prise d…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
PFS may not be Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology! @JAMA_current @myESMO @FDAOncology @EMA_News https://t.co/cfTXzNqH0N
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @Annette_LEXA: Les mensonges de l'innovation en thérapies anticancereuses. On contorsionne les chiffres pour faire croire que la prise d…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
« These results raise questions regarding the assumption that interventions prolonging PFS also improve HRQoL in patients with cancer ». Same question applies to critical care medicine https://t.co/uE8Ud7ue8m
Les mensonges de l'innovation en thérapies anticancereuses. On contorsionne les chiffres pour faire croire que la prise de chimio apporte un réel gain. C'est majoritairement faux (sauf cancers du sang et pê melanome?)
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
Important findings for patients that supports what most of us know instinctively that what is best for cancer patients is not all about length of survival but the quality of the life you have however long that is
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
Nous savions déjà que la survie sans progression, critère indirecte de jugement en oncologie, n’était pas corrélée à l’amélioration de la survie globale : https://t.co/DAPikH3EbM ; Elle ne l’est pas plus avec la qualité de vie : https://t.co/aDRZrNRapb #Fa
It is not clear if delay in progression leads to improved quality of life with or without overall survival benefit.
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @leafs_s: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology A Systematic Review…
RT @leafs_s: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology A Systematic Review…
RT @AndersPerner: Involve the patients - the use of surrogate markers in trials and drug development may not improve patient care https://t…
Evidence piling to slow the innovation gravy train of new & expensive #cancerdrugs only shown to prolong PFS. While FDA approval policy should be revised, power for change also rests in hands of #oncologists & formulary committees to say NO & d
Involve the patients - the use of surrogate markers in trials and drug development may not improve patient care https://t.co/B58wkceU0y
Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology A Systematic Review and Quantitative Analysis https://t.co/qLrPgLgPSI
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
癌の無増悪生存期間と健康関連QoLの間にはほとんど何も関係が検出されない。レビュー。Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology https://t.co/ynGtGx3FPv
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @G_Owen_Schaefer: This is a really important review: Progression-free survival is a poor predictor of what really matters, quality of li…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
Wow, @m_waligora!
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
This is an important finding.
Ojo: No existe correlación entre PFS y HRQoL. @CDuranSalinas @MonicaTarapues @Farmaco_virtual Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology https://t.co/1svpqMZ1JL
This is a really important review: Progression-free survival is a poor predictor of what really matters, quality of life. Time to retire that surrogate endpoint as a basis for conditional/expatiated approvals? https://t.co/nNs63BGbYS
RT @yunglee96: Honoured to have been part of this important paper @JAMAInternalMed! Our work shows no association between PFS and HRQoL in…
RT @chadinabhan: This @JAMAInternalMed paper on lack of correlation between PFS and HRQOL should give all a pause into which points are cri…
Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: more reasons why PROs need to be accurately measure during cancer trials. https://t.co/Ep1rpCMuLH @JAMAInternalMed
RT @raj00728: No association b/w #PFS and #HRQoL in #cancer clinical trials per the new meta-analysis in @JAMAInternalMed. https://t.co/L2w…
No association b/w #PFS and #HRQoL in #cancer clinical trials per the new meta-analysis in @JAMAInternalMed.
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
RT @NMahendraratnam: Systematic review finds no significant association between PFS and qol in cancer trials. However, importantly, highlig…
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
Systematic review finds no significant association between PFS and qol in cancer trials. However, importantly, highlights the need for more qol measurement and standardization in trials to appropriately assess this.
RT @yunglee96: Honoured to have been part of this important paper @JAMAInternalMed! Our work shows no association between PFS and HRQoL in…
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
"This systematic review and quantitative analysis of 52 articles reporting on 38 randomized clinical cancer trials did NOT find a significant association between PFS and HRQoL." (JAMA Internal Medicine) https://t.co/YeopqXepcj
RT @SohailMullaPhD: Nice work by @fengxie_mac and colleagues in @JAMAInternalMed highlighting importance of directly measuring health-relat…
Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology https://t.co/LjG21ydvmC
RT @conanso: Increasingly important to consider quality of life as an endpoint for cancer treatment. A systematic review of 38 studies in @…
Increasingly important to consider quality of life as an endpoint for cancer treatment. A systematic review of 38 studies in @JAMA_current showed no association between progression free survival and global QoL. @marklewismd @VPplenarysesh @dlage @mdkrasne
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
Clear to me that PFS endpoint helps pharma get drugs approved and it probably matters in some cancers, but in others, it's about making scans rather than patients better: https://t.co/W4sqtqJBLi
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @yunglee96: Honoured to have been part of this important paper @JAMAInternalMed! Our work shows no association between PFS and HRQoL in…
Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 month PFS benefit did not translate into ⬆️QoL. It’s crucial to directly measure PROs in #clinicaltrials @JAMA_current https://t.co/8
RT @DrAEvens: Important paper/analyses in @JAMA_current re: the non-correlation of PFS with #HRQL in #cancer. https://t.co/O1wxgEibWm
Fascinating that this comes out on the day that checkpoint inhibitors win the Nobel Prize.
Honoured to have been part of this important paper @JAMAInternalMed! Our work shows no association between PFS and HRQoL in #cancer #oncology trials @HEI_mcmaster https://t.co/vk5ZyC7d6S
A wonderful example of a problem with surrogate endpoints in clinical trials.
RT @DrAEvens: Important paper/analyses in @JAMA_current re: the non-correlation of PFS with #HRQL in #cancer. https://t.co/O1wxgEibWm
RT @DrDeborahFisher: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life HRQoL in Oncology. Systematic revi…
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
This @JAMAInternalMed paper on lack of correlation between PFS and HRQOL should give all a pause into which points are critical in #Clinicaltrials & it’s another evidence on how critical #PROs are. CC @EthanBasch1 https://t.co/9p3TC3cFHx
How strongly is progression-free survival (PFS) associated with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in studies of cancer treatments? Imaginan la respuesta? https://t.co/KV3LcchIAM
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @geri_doc: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is a very common outcome measure in Oncology Important analysis shows little relationship to…
This is a must read. Kudo's to the authors for a terrific and necessary paper. PFS is a misleading endpoint that means little to patients. There is too much involved in cancer research (not only money, but also hope) to accept this. https://t.co/aOsxar2nrw
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…