Aucune association entre la survie sans progression et la qualité de vie pour les anticancéreux selon une revue systématique et analyse quantitative publiée dans le dernier JAMA Internal Medicine :
RT @FatEmperor: Important paper on #cancer - are the "progression-free survival" metrics used to assess treatments....even the right metric…
Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology. Interesante artículo.
Important paper on #cancer - are the "progression-free survival" metrics used to assess treatments....even the right metrics to decide usefulness of the latter?
RT @findlungcancer: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systemati…
RT @findlungcancer: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systemati…
Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic Review and Quantitative Analysis | Oncology | JAMA Internal Medicine | #lcsm #hcsm #pfcc @ruthcarlosmd @coffeemommy
@nunottav @itenente @andre_peralta Exacto, dizem que n avaliam mas depois avaliam. Sobre OS ser surrogate de PFS, n é assim tão claro e mt context dependent, penso eu. Qt a qualidade de vida...n sei se estão a avaliar. Mas a PFS não tem relação com QoL. ht
ScHARRHEDS: RT DanHind1: Systematic Review raises questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-Free Survival also improve #HRQoL in patients with cancer. HRQoL should be measured directly with adequate follow-up time. ScHARRHE…
ScHARRHEDS: RT DanHind1: Systematic Review raises questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-Free Survival also improve #HRQoL in patients with cancer. HRQoL should be measured directly with adequate follow-up time. ScHARRHE…
ScHARRHEDS: RT DanHind1: Systematic Review raises questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-Free Survival also improve #HRQoL in patients with cancer. HRQoL should be measured directly with adequate follow-up time. ScHARRHE…
RT @EugeCecchetto: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology
RT @EugeCecchetto: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology
Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology
OSとの関連が疑問視される #PFS は、HRQOLとの関連さえない。オンコロジー38RCTのメタアナリシスで示す:McMaster。
RT @chadinabhan: This @JAMAInternalMed paper on lack of correlation between PFS and HRQOL should give all a pause into which points are cri…
RT @LesleyLesleys: “These findings raise questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-free survival also improv…
RT @syuichiao89: 癌の臨床試験では、無増悪生存率(PFS)とHRQoLの間に有意な関連性は見出されなかった。これらの知見は、PFSを延長する介入が癌患者のHRQoLを改善するという仮定に関する疑問を生じさせる。
RT @LesleyLesleys: “These findings raise questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-free survival also improv…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @DrSpratticus: Important for all of us to remember who think local control or biochemical control leads to improved QOL. Likely not true…
RT @vandebeek: Clear case for measuring qualify ot life an integral part of treatment. #PROMs #outcomes
RT @chadinabhan: This @JAMAInternalMed paper on lack of correlation between PFS and HRQOL should give all a pause into which points are cri…
RT @ChrisRadOnc: "We failed to find a significant association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials." Worth remembering. I may r…
RT @DrSpratticus: Important for all of us to remember who think local control or biochemical control leads to improved QOL. Likely not true…
RT @vandebeek: Clear case for measuring qualify ot life an integral part of treatment. #PROMs #outcomes
RT @DrSpratticus: Important for all of us to remember who think local control or biochemical control leads to improved QOL. Likely not true…
Important for all of us to remember who think local control or biochemical control leads to improved QOL. Likely not true at all
RT @LesleyLesleys: “These findings raise questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-free survival also improv…
RT @NicoleStoutPT: This is an important article and an important thread. The data are very real and compelling. The confluence of hope and…
RT @Mac_Evidence: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology…
RT @LesleyLesleys: “These findings raise questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-free survival also improv…
RT @LesleyLesleys: “These findings raise questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-free survival also improv…
RT @LesleyLesleys: “These findings raise questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-free survival also improv…
This is an important article and an important thread. The data are very real and compelling. The confluence of hope and reality however makes this a very difficult conversation for those facing advanced cancer. #cancersurvivorship #qualityoflife
RT @Drakesyard: Important findings for patients that supports what most of us know instinctively that what is best for cancer patients is n…
“These findings raise questions about the assumption that interventions prolonging Progression-free survival also improve Health-related Quality of Life in patients with cancer and suggest that HRQoL should be measured directly and accurately, with adequat
PFS-edulla ei vaikutusta syöpäpotilaiden elämänlaatuun Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Systematic review and analysis find that for #oncology patients, improvement in #PFS does not correlate with improveme…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Systematic review and analysis find that for #oncology patients, improvement in #PFS does not correlate with improveme…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Systematic review and analysis find that for #oncology patients, improvement in #PFS does not correlate with improveme…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Systematic review and analysis find that for #oncology patients, improvement in #PFS does not correlate with improveme…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Systematic review and analysis find that for #oncology patients, improvement in #PFS does not correlate with improveme…
Systematic review and analysis find that for #oncology patients, improvement in #PFS does not correlate with improvement in quality of life. Read the details here
HTAなどで議論されるQOLの観点 例えば抗がん剤投与による女性の脱毛症状をどのように評価するか OSやPFSとはまた別の観点が求められているものと思料 #JAMA #Oncology #Pharmaceutical
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
New @jamainternalmed study of 38 oncology trials questions whether prolonging progression-free survival improves quality of life and calls for new direct measurement of QOL:
RT @FallowfieldLJ: Hardly a surprise, side effect profiles of novel therapies must be measured adequately with good PRO tools and ameliora…
RT @PinkieChambers: Interesting read for those @CMORE2improve
RT @EllokGr: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology #PFS #…
RT @EllokGr: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology #PFS #…
RT @EllokGr: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology #PFS #…
Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology
Interesting read for those @CMORE2improve
This is not surprising (and quite depressing). Too much focus on statistical significance and not on clinically meaningful results! Surely we can do better for patients?
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @cancer_fund: New @JAMA study confirms our previous study that most new cancer drugs are not improving patients quality of life and may…
New @JAMA study confirms our previous study that most new cancer drugs are not improving patients quality of life and may not save lives either
New @JAMA study confirms our previous study that most new cancer drugs are not improving patients quality of life and may not save lives either
RT @DrFlissMurtagh: Very interesting ...
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
Let’s measure and seek to improve the outcomes that matter to patients...
RT @DrFlissMurtagh: Very interesting ...
RT @apothecaryman: Very glad to see this assumption subjected to scrutiny -- if we're interested in "how a patient feels or functions" whil…
Very glad to see this assumption subjected to scrutiny -- if we're interested in "how a patient feels or functions" while receiving treatment for cancer, we should ask directly. Sometimes the treatment really is worse than the disease.
RT @corp_UNC: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic Revi…
RT @corp_UNC: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic Revi…
RT @corp_UNC: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic Revi…
RT @corp_UNC: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic Revi…
RT @corp_UNC: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic Revi…
Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic Review Kovic et al via @JAMAInternalMed
RT @FuenteApolo: To ensure that patients are truly obtaining important benefit from cancer therapies, clinical trial investigators should m…
RT @FuenteApolo: To ensure that patients are truly obtaining important benefit from cancer therapies, clinical trial investigators should m…
RT @FuenteApolo: To ensure that patients are truly obtaining important benefit from cancer therapies, clinical trial investigators should m…
Interesting research on the use of surrogate markers to assess treatment effectiveness: in cancer, progression free survival doesn't associate with improved quality of life, so it is a useful indicator?
RT @jsmawais: "We failed to find a significant association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials. These findings raise questions…
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
RT @santimln: Interesting JAMA systematic review did not find a significant association between progression-free survival and HRQoL. https:…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @EllokGr: We are slowly but definitely moving on to #RealWorldEvidence regarding #patientexperience that linked to #patientpreferences i…
We are slowly but definitely moving on to #RealWorldEvidence regarding #patientexperience that linked to #patientpreferences is expected to show differences from current assumptions #HRQoL
Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology #PFS #HRQoL
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
RT @tessajlrichards: Cancer Patients should be wary of accepting drugs which offer only “Progression -Free Survival “ not Quality of Life…
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
Cancer Patients should be wary of accepting drugs which offer only “Progression -Free Survival “ not Quality of Life
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @Res4Me: Are #clinicaltrials measuring the outcomes that matter to patients? This systematic review raises an important question: Does e…