RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
RT @DrFlissMurtagh: Very interesting ... https://t.co/a3cisam4Q0
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @Res4Me: Are #clinicaltrials measuring the outcomes that matter to patients? This systematic review raises an important question: Does e…
Are #clinicaltrials measuring the outcomes that matter to patients? This systematic review raises an important question: Does extending progression free survival in cancer improve health-related quality of life? https://t.co/6MNZ94B2Zg #patientcentricity
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
"We failed to find a significant association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials. These findings raise questions regarding the assumption that interventions prolonging PFS also improve HRQoL in patients with cancer." (JAMA Internal Medicine) ht
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
RT @ESCANDE_A: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology https://t.co/0reoCiUCYL
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @santimln: Interesting JAMA systematic review did not find a significant association between progression-free survival and HRQoL. https:…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology https://t.co/0reoCiUCYL
Interesting JAMA systematic review did not find a significant association between progression-free survival and HRQoL. https://t.co/DFAnrMApbE
RT @DrFlissMurtagh: Very interesting ... https://t.co/a3cisam4Q0
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology https://t.co/a78iwgfzGP
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
RT @tomleblancMD: #patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must system…
#patientexperience measures don't correlate well with traditional outcome measures in #cancer drug trials. We must systematically assess the patient experience of cancer therapies, new and old, to better understand tradeoffs: https://t.co/W0KS9OBQPG #pallo
RT @DrFlissMurtagh: Very interesting ... https://t.co/a3cisam4Q0
RT @ThomasAgoritsas: So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality…
So as expected “progression-free survival” in #cancer is not such a good surrogate outcome for health-related quality of life. Now let's measure it directly. Congrats to @fengxie_mac and colleagues for the important systematic review in @JAMAInternalMed ht
RT @CigoliniMaria: Good paper questioning HRQoL outcomes based on Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quali…
RT @CigoliniMaria: Good paper questioning HRQoL outcomes based on Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quali…
Good paper questioning HRQoL outcomes based on Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology https://t.co/s1FTs1w1nb
Whoa. Talk about out of touch. Patient centered medicine will take a reckoning... h/t @AudreyDZhang
RT @arunangshu111: very interesting, and novel #palliative #research #oncology @cspramesh @ajumathew_ @ctsinclair @MartinStockler @pankajpa…
RT @DrFlissMurtagh: Very interesting ... https://t.co/a3cisam4Q0
very interesting, and novel #palliative #research #oncology @cspramesh @ajumathew_ @ctsinclair @MartinStockler @pankajpanda86 Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology https://t.co/Y8Eto0GcU2
Useful and clinically meaningful
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @MikkaelSekeres: Wow - Progression-free Survival improvement without Quality of Life enhancement is a Pyrrhic victory, and meaningless t…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
More pessimism for surrogate endpoints in oncology trials - more evidence now that PFS correlates with neither OS or QOL measures. Harder and harder to justify its use as a marker of meaningful benefit.
Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology https://t.co/DWYxNkYte6
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @DebFumagalli: Interesting meta-analysis investigating if Progression-Free Survival is a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of…
RT @DebFumagalli: Interesting meta-analysis investigating if Progression-Free Survival is a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of…
Interesting meta-analysis investigating if Progression-Free Survival is a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life https://t.co/GT2vrsI8Xc
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
..to ensure patients are truly obtaining benefit from cancer therapies, investigators should measure HealthRelated Quality ofLife directly..
RT @quequesierra: “We failed to find a significant association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials. These findings raise questi…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @m_waligora: Finally out. Our meta-research on surrogate endpoints in cancer trials: We failed to find a significant association between…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @MikkaelSekeres: Wow - Progression-free Survival improvement without Quality of Life enhancement is a Pyrrhic victory, and meaningless t…
RT @rajshekharucms: Important meta-analysis questioning the dogma that PFS is a surrogate of #HRQoL; A key example is PALOMA-2 where >10 mo…
RT @MikkaelSekeres: Wow - Progression-free Survival improvement without Quality of Life enhancement is a Pyrrhic victory, and meaningless t…
RT @conanso: Increasingly important to consider quality of life as an endpoint for cancer treatment. A systematic review of 38 studies in @…
RT @manolosesmero: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in #Oncology @JAMA_current @farmacia…
RT @manolosesmero: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in #Oncology @JAMA_current @farmacia…
RT @quequesierra: “We failed to find a significant association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials. These findings raise questi…
RT @DrFlissMurtagh: Very interesting ... https://t.co/a3cisam4Q0
RT @conanso: Increasingly important to consider quality of life as an endpoint for cancer treatment. A systematic review of 38 studies in @…
RT @LesleyLesleys: “To ensure that patients are truly obtaining important benefit from cancer therapies, clinical trial investigators shoul…
RT @DrFlissMurtagh: Very interesting ... https://t.co/a3cisam4Q0
RT @MikkaelSekeres: Wow - Progression-free Survival improvement without Quality of Life enhancement is a Pyrrhic victory, and meaningless t…
RT @chadinabhan: This @JAMAInternalMed paper on lack of correlation between PFS and HRQOL should give all a pause into which points are cri…
RT @DrRaulCordoba: No association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials. To ensure that patients are truly obtaining important be…
RT @DrRaulCordoba: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic…
RT @MikkaelSekeres: Wow - Progression-free Survival improvement without Quality of Life enhancement is a Pyrrhic victory, and meaningless t…
RT @quequesierra: “We failed to find a significant association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials. These findings raise questi…
RT @DrRaulCordoba: No association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials. To ensure that patients are truly obtaining important be…
RT @MikkaelSekeres: Wow - Progression-free Survival improvement without Quality of Life enhancement is a Pyrrhic victory, and meaningless t…
RT @manolosesmero: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in #Oncology @JAMA_current @farmacia…
RT @LesleyLesleys: “To ensure that patients are truly obtaining important benefit from cancer therapies, clinical trial investigators shoul…
RT @LesleyLesleys: “To ensure that patients are truly obtaining important benefit from cancer therapies, clinical trial investigators shoul…
RT @quequesierra: “We failed to find a significant association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials. These findings raise questi…
RT @DrRaulCordoba: No association between PFS and HRQoL in cancer clinical trials. To ensure that patients are truly obtaining important be…
RT @DrRaulCordoba: Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic…
RT @manolosesmero: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in #Oncology @JAMA_current @farmacia…
RT @manolosesmero: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in #Oncology @JAMA_current @farmacia…
RT @manolosesmero: Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in #Oncology @JAMA_current @farmacia…
Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology: A Systematic Review and Quantitative Analysis @JAMA_current #QoL #oncology https://t.co/w0wqvjoRDs