How one bit of medical jargon fuels public confusion about cancer treatments
Health News Review,
Most new cancer treatments haven’t been proven to help patients live longer or feel better.
Most new cancer treatments haven’t been proven to help patients live longer or feel better.
I iveren etter å få nye medikamenter ut til pasientene så raskt som mulig, har myndighetene slakket på dokumentasjonskravene.
Find a random person on the street and ask them what a cancer drug should do.
Originally Published By 2 Minute Medicine. Reused on ONA with permission. 1. Progression free survival demonstrates poor-correlat…
The absence of research on physical health effects of cannabis use was revealed in a systematic review of existing literature…
Cannabis for MS Reliable studies are needed to determine if cannabis is an effective treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS)…
1. Progression free survival demonstrates poor-correlation with measures of health related quality of life (HRQoL) in oncology…
medwireNews: Progression-free survival (PFS) should not be used as a surrogate marker for health-related quality of life (HRQoL…
The analysis revealed no significant association between progressive-free survival and the patients’ physical and emotional…
Oct. 2 (UPI) — Researchers have determined the cancer patient’s quality of life needs to be considered when studying the…
Oct. 2 (UPI) -- Researchers have determined the cancer patient's quality of life needs to be considered when studying the…
Cancer drugs that keep tumors from growing may not lead to better quality of life for patients, a new study suggests.
A McMaster University-led review and analysis of randomized clinical trials is questioning whether interventions which prolong…
A McMaster University-led review and analysis of randomized clinical trials is questioning whether interventions which prolong…
A McMaster University-led review and analysis of randomised clinical trials is questioning whether interventions which prolong…
A McMaster University-led review and analysis of randomized clinical trials is questioning whether interventions which prolong…
Data pooled from all 38 studies showed no significant association between progression-free survival and quality of life.
A -led review and analysis of randomized clinical trials is questioning whether interventions which prolong progression-free…
(Reuters Health) - Cancer drugs that keep tumors from growing may not lead to better quality of life for patients, a new study…
By Linda Carroll (Reuters Health) - Cancer drugs that keep tumors from growing may not lead to better quality of life for…
Hamilton, ON (October 1, 2018) - A McMaster University-led review and analysis of randomized clinical trials is questioning…