#新型コロナ くしゃみでかなり飛散するのがわかる動画。JAMAより。マスクをする一番の理由が、自己防御よりもむしろ他者に巻き散らさないためのものであることが理解できる動画。 目に見えないウイルスを、可視化したシミュレーションはちょっと怖い。
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/1uJ0AtAIU2
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @DrZouaghi: JAMA: La propagation rapide de #COVID19 souligne la nécessité de mieux comprendre la dynamique de la transmission des maladi…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
JAMA: La propagation rapide de #COVID19 souligne la nécessité de mieux comprendre la dynamique de la transmission des maladies respiratoires
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission https://t.co/s3U9S8opb2