RT @celinegounder: 8/x Hospital leadership also lying to health care workers. Be honest about the risks. Be truthful about what the science…
RT @davidcnorrismd: This fascinating @JAMA_current piece from the Fluid Dynamics Disease Transmission Lab @MIT seems to undermine the recei…
RT @celinegounder: .@JAMA_current published @MIT's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba's commentary today: "Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emi…
8/x Hospital leadership also lying to health care workers. Be honest about the risks. Be truthful about what the science says about transmission and #PPE they SHOULD have. https://t.co/E8ZWgyPI0X #GetMePPE
RT @celinegounder: .@JAMA_current published @MIT's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba's commentary today: "Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emi…
RT @davidcnorrismd: This fascinating @JAMA_current piece from the Fluid Dynamics Disease Transmission Lab @MIT seems to undermine the recei…
RT @celinegounder: .@JAMA_current published @MIT's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba's commentary today: "Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emi…
RT @davidcnorrismd: This fascinating @JAMA_current piece from the Fluid Dynamics Disease Transmission Lab @MIT seems to undermine the recei…
RT @celinegounder: .@JAMA_current published @MIT's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba's commentary today: "Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emi…
RT @davidcnorrismd: This fascinating @JAMA_current piece from the Fluid Dynamics Disease Transmission Lab @MIT seems to undermine the recei…
RT @davidcnorrismd: This fascinating @JAMA_current piece from the Fluid Dynamics Disease Transmission Lab @MIT seems to undermine the recei…
RT @celinegounder: .@JAMA_current published @MIT's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba's commentary today: "Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emi…
RT @davidcnorrismd: This fascinating @JAMA_current piece from the Fluid Dynamics Disease Transmission Lab @MIT seems to undermine the recei…
RT @davidcnorrismd: This fascinating @JAMA_current piece from the Fluid Dynamics Disease Transmission Lab @MIT seems to undermine the recei…
@martinsteiger @PhilippeReichen Befürworte persönlich Testing, Tracing und halte Masken für sinnvoll, wenn man sich nicht genügend aus dem Weg gehen kann. Der nötige Abstand könnte bei diesen Annahmen⬇️ mehr als 2 Meter sein.. https://t.co/BWjtgpCTh8
RT @ChristophHutchi: Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/6Z8DkfFwWY wow this definitely reinforces #Socia…
Need to take on board all new information on transmission to keep healthcare profs and public informed so worth a punt https://t.co/tE0rfUDjfr and https://t.co/xCPxFvaWSy if links don't work search faecal oral and turbulent gas cloud transmission
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions: Potential Implications for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19 | JAMA | JAMA Network Video shows sneeze transmission up to 8m. >6 ft of separation? Thx Thomas Heldt @RobertCTasker https://t.co
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions: Potential Implications for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19 | JAMA | JAMA Network If you have access, awesome (and scary!) videos showing sneeze transmission over 8 m. https://t.co/7ZeLFXr6O2 http
儘管尚無研究直接評估SARS-CoV-2病毒感染患者的飛沫和氣雲形成的生物物理特性,但呼出氣雲和呼吸道傳播的幾種特性可能適用於該病原體。 疾病控制與預防中心建議間隔6英尺(2m)。https://t.co/P4V986Cx0n
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @ChristophHutchi: Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/6Z8DkfFwWY wow this definitely reinforces #Socia…
RT @ChristophHutchi: Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/6Z8DkfFwWY wow this definitely reinforces #Socia…
RT @PervezSultanMD: Is 6ft social distancing enough? Droplets from a sneeze can travel 7-8m “Current understanding of the routes of hos…
RT @ehlJAMA: Why #SocialDistancing is important-See video of droplet transmission when you sneeze: https://t.co/lD0DMi6Mrw Turbulent Gas C…
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/6Z8DkfFwWY wow this definitely reinforces #SocialDistanacing #COVID19 Don’t sneeze on people!
RT @udit_chaddha: Now if you read this, tell me you don’t want a hazmat suit on top of our regular PPE! Everything isn’t black and white. D…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
Is 6ft social distancing enough? Droplets from a sneeze can travel 7-8m “Current understanding of the routes of host-to-host transmission in respiratory infectious diseases are predicated on a model of disease transmission developed in the 1930s” http
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/gS04trh3p6
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
@juliejunket @happifydesign Maybe a 6' minimum, and also, we should become a mask-wearing society, as in Japan, once there are enough masks for everyone. https://t.co/D3DubxY9lU
RT @ehlJAMA: Why #SocialDistancing is important-See video of droplet transmission when you sneeze: https://t.co/lD0DMi6Mrw Turbulent Gas C…
Dropplets travelling up to 7-8 meters in the accompanying video: https://t.co/xXixD2j3SD Sometimes my Dad works on some cool stuff! @ehlJAMA
RT @celinegounder: .@JAMA_current published @MIT's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba's commentary today: "Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emi…
...personal protection equipment is vitally important for health care workers caring for patients who may be infected, even if they are farther than 6 feet away from a patient. https://t.co/yF3HlAuuOP
RT @udit_chaddha: Now if you read this, tell me you don’t want a hazmat suit on top of our regular PPE! Everything isn’t black and white. D…
RT @ehlJAMA: Why #SocialDistancing is important-See video of droplet transmission when you sneeze: https://t.co/lD0DMi6Mrw Turbulent Gas C…
This fascinating @JAMA_current piece from the Fluid Dynamics Disease Transmission Lab @MIT seems to undermine the received doctrine that discounts mask wearing by the general public. The #wearanymask concept looks increasingly sound! #COVID19 https://t.co/
RT @ehlJAMA: Why #SocialDistancing is important-See video of droplet transmission when you sneeze: https://t.co/lD0DMi6Mrw Turbulent Gas C…
Why #SocialDistancing is important-See video of droplet transmission when you sneeze: https://t.co/lD0DMi6Mrw Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/j4wQv2EsJQ from @JAMA_current and Lydia Bourouiba @MIT
Now if you read this, tell me you don’t want a hazmat suit on top of our regular PPE! Everything isn’t black and white. Droplet v Aerosol 🙄 https://t.co/XWXjnDCBCG @AAB_IP @OtisBRickman @Donicme @AlaEddinSagar @Re_innervated @accpchest @DGlaucomflecken @
Surprised or not? Images show uncovered coughs and sneezes can travel more than 20 ft! #stayathome #WashYourHands https://t.co/7ZapEouVcG
RT @MITMechE: In a new article published today in @JAMA_current, Associate Professor Lydia Bourouiba suggests a new model for respiratory d…
We are still learning about this disease, keep this in mind when thinking of the level of PPE for procedures #Anesthesia #ICU #COVID19FOAM Thoughts @GoffiAlberto @drrandywax @drlauraduggan @doctimcook good points for the upcoming @CASUpdate webinar
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @celinegounder: .@JAMA_current published @MIT's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba's commentary today: "Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emi…
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/JpH2r4qIPC
RT @celinegounder: .@JAMA_current published @MIT's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba's commentary today: "Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emi…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
.@JAMA_current published @MIT's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba's commentary today: "Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emissions: Potential Implications for Reducing Transmission of #COVID19" https://t.co/HIxp8JC7Q1 (1/2)
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
RT @InfectiousDz: As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so…
As clinicians switch from airborne to droplet precautions, a reminder that the dichotomy of droplet v airborne is not so black and white. https://t.co/EMT2Z8FFda https://t.co/PbqSjiEZQx
RT @MIT_CEE: New today: in an article published by @JAMA_current, @MIT Prof. Lydia Bourouiba suggests a new model for respiratory emissions…
Turbulent gas cloud can reach up to 8 m. This might be a risk to healthcare worker if staying in a poorly ventilated ICU or ED room.
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/YcCrX5gziB
The JAMA article has different perspective on the respiratory spread. How much the mask is wffective. The 1-2 m is not effective and it may spread upto 7m. #COVID2019 https://t.co/hBiQgY5piN https://t.co/rAjqndLW2C
RT @MIT_CEE: New today: in an article published by @JAMA_current, @MIT Prof. Lydia Bourouiba suggests a new model for respiratory emissions…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
Turbulent Gas Cloud video explains rapid coronavirus spread better than droplet/aerosol https://t.co/ro1zwM774y Why isolation+disinfection/handwashing/not touching face better than 1-2m apart If sharing a car/store/office needed, assume infected, include s
#PublicHealth #infectionprevention #infectioncontrol Why #SocialDistanacing need to be strictly adhered for Reducing Transmission of #COVID19 #coronavirus infection? @JAMA_current https://t.co/de7klLyPaw
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/QQOqHAlWpQ
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions: Potential Implications for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19 | JAMA | JAMA Network https://t.co/x6ILz3Id6V
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
This topic needs to be better understood.
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
That's a rather worrying picture👇🏽 of a "multiphase turbulent gas cloud From a single human sneeze" (and sneeze video in the article) @JAMA_current
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
Good timely article. In the OR it makes one think is there anything we can do to reduce the aerosol load or aerosol to droplet conversion rate (rain out). Any modelling around this?
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
In a new article published today in @JAMA_current, Associate Professor Lydia Bourouiba suggests a new model for respiratory disease transmission that could have potential implications for reducing transmission of #COVID19 https://t.co/Sgdi61ntJF
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
As if we were not poorly protected enough already
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
RT @JAMA_current: The rapid spread of #COVID19 highlights the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission ht…
New today: in an article published by @JAMA_current, @MIT Prof. Lydia Bourouiba suggests a new model for respiratory emissions that could have implications on prevention and precaution in dealing with #COVID19 #MIT_CEE https://t.co/Mh507PcvtH
#新型コロナ くしゃみでかなり飛散するのがわかる動画。JAMAより。マスクをする一番の理由が、自己防御よりもむしろ他者に巻き散らさないためのものであることが理解できる動画。 目に見えないウイルスを、可視化したシミュレーションはちょっと怖い。