COVID: Seven reasons mask wearing in the west was unnecessarily delayed
Department of Primary Care Health Sciences,
Masks help prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, yet masking policies in the west have featured…
Masks help prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, yet masking policies in the west have featured…
Нейромедин B послужил нейромедиатором в рефлекторной реакции чихания
Over the last year, the scientific community has been reluctant to openly discuss its missteps. But coming clean could help…
Trish Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford. Republished from The Conversation under a…
We should still wash our hands, but growing evidence suggests one of the main ways Covid spreads is through the airCoronavirus …
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, hugging another guest; Kellyanne Conway (left); and Notre Dame University President Rev.
From diagnostics, to treatments and vaccines, nanotechnology is being developed and deployed to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
The economic recovery measure Republicans presented on Tuesday is a fraction of the size of their original offer and was…
When I reopened my dental practice in early June, the tooth fractures started coming in: at least one a day, every single day…
As we age, the immune system begins to shift into a heightened state of alert, dialing up inflammation and running out of…
“It makes you depressed, anxious that it’s never going to go away.”
Communities are running short on time to hire poll workers and reconfigure in-person voting to make it safe during a pandemic.
After past holiday weekends caused spikes in Covid-19 cases, public health officials are urging people to keep gatherings small…
Researchers are starting to home in on the ways in which the use of e-cigarettes raises the chances of catching the virus, and…
Chiropractors report a surge in problems as millions of workers have spent months clacking away on sofas and beds and awkward…
The agency told public health agencies that two unidentified vaccines might be ready by October or November. We explain how…
The Iowa senator’s comments echoed a false claim, spread by President Trump over the weekend, that deaths from Covid-19 have…
The job cuts come as the rail agency’s response to fiscal challenges receives scrutiny from rail advocates and federal lawmakers.
The Iowa senator’s comments echoed a false claim, spread by President Trump over the weekend, that deaths from Covid-19 have…
Six months into the pandemic and with no coherent national testing strategy, the Trump administration is encouraging private…
Dr. Scott Atlas arrived at the White House as a coronavirus contrarian, questioning controls like masks. He has angered top…
How parents can distinguish between hand-washing that is a reasonable reaction to a real threat and something more concerning.
Amtrak says it needs more money to avoid slashing service on routes in areas where the rail network is often the only mode of…
While any face covering is better than nothing, clear plastic shields and masks with exhale valves allow large plumes of…
“These amazing young kids are running the whole show,” said the owner of the Wood Cafe, which gives away food. “Their energy…
What do we mean, "the" science?
Many children may learn of a grandparent’s death without a chance to visit to say goodbye.
In a Twitter barrage, the president advanced conspiracy theories claiming that protests are an organized coup and that the…
By Javier C. HernándezSource LinkFirst came the notices that Chinese officials had declared a “wartime” state. Then the…
Some patients are still receiving staggering bills. Others don’t qualify because conditions other than Covid-19 were their…
Online and offline platforms are helping strangers form social connections, which are crucial for our health, especially in a…
A growing number of scientists are speaking out.
When we can’t go outside without covering our faces, there’s a special appeal in the opportunity to uncover everything else.
The agency’s chief spokeswoman, Emily Miller, was removed from her position just 11 days into the job.
Pressing our hearts together is my husband’s fast-track return to the intimacy he grew up with. For me, growing up with a more…
After saying that those exposed to the virus need not get tested, the agency’s director clarified that “testing may be…
The Treasury Department has not been willing to issue guidance making it clear that companies will be on the hook for deferred…
With Covid-related restrictions in place, massage therapists are reimagining ways to help their clients.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention abruptly changed its recommendations, saying people without Covid-19 symptoms…
The program Brushes With Cancer pairs patients with artists whose works make visible a disease that can be invisible and…
The administration now says failure to report Covid-19 data to the Department of Health and Human Services could cost hospitals…
The nation’s testing efforts will be further overwhelmed once influenza, R.S.V. and other seasonal viruses arrive.
Many experts — including a scientist who worked on the Mayo Clinic study — were bewildered about where a key statistic came from.
More Than a Vote, a group of athletes headlined by LeBron James, is fighting voter suppression in Black electoral districts by…
The pandemic has made work and social life more accessible for many. People with disabilities are wondering whether virtual…
The move came on the eve of the Republican convention and after President Trump pressed the agency to move faster to address…
The Department of Health and Human Services told hospitals in April that reporting to the vendor, TeleTracking Technologies…
You’d do anything for them in a crisis, but the crisis isn’t going away. Here’s how to get your life back.
Between a pandemic and military training, so much for college love being casual.
David C. Williams, who will testify before lawmakers on Thursday, also told Congress he raised concerns about Louis DeJoy ahead…
The chief executive of My Pillow, a Trump donor, claims oleandrin is a miracle cure for Covid-19. But no studies have shown…
David C. Williams, who will testify before lawmakers on Thursday, told Congress he had suggested his fellow governors…
Pharmacists may now vaccinate young children under a new federal emergency rule aimed at helping families who missed well-child…
A new U.S. intelligence report says top officials in Beijing were in the dark in early January on the true dangers of the virus.
A new U.S. intelligence report says top officials in Beijing were in the dark in early January on the true dangers of the virus.
The department’s long litany of problems has left some questioning why President Trump is trying to make his record there a…
Government health leaders including Dr. Francis S. Collins and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci urged caution last week, citing weak data…
The measure would reinstate supplemental unemployment benefits at half their original rate, and is unlikely to find support…
Borrowing from a model used for natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires, states are sending in teams of responders to…
President Trump prefers a robust relationship with authoritarian China to one with democratic Taiwan. But other American…
Understanding how airborne droplets travel is just as important as social distancing in slowing the COVID-19 pandemic.
LA Times via MSN: “Six months into a pandemic that has killed over half a million people, more than 200 scientists from around…
More than 200 researchers worldwide sign an open letter saying current guidance ignores evidence that the coronavirus readily…
Public health messaging and science have to work hard to stay in sync during a crisis. During the Covid-19 pandemic, they haven’t…
There are 8 million high school athletes. They must be tested regularly. Along with the revival of professional sports comes…
Thomas A. Russo, The Conversation Jun 4, 2020, 8:45 AM Protesters rally as Philadelphia Police officers and Pennsylvania…
Если бы наше дыхание подсвечивалось лазером, как во время этих экспериментов, мы бы, вероятно, в ужасе отшатывались друг от друга…
There is a pressing need for governments around the world to demand and support more comprehensive research on how COVID-19…
The death of George Floyd when a police officer kneeled on his neck sparked days of protests in cities across the U.S. Lauren A.
Many countries are relaxing coronavirus restrictions. If you’ve been asked to return to work or school, how can you reduce the…
A restaurant in Bangkok created plastic partitions and moved its tables farther apart to separate guests in a normally tight…
Masks and social distancing can help protect shoppers from the coronavirus, but gloves aren't recommended. Mario Tama/Getty…
The debate over whether coronavirus spreads faster in dense cities misses a key point. The coronavirus pandemic has left many…
Today Aotearoa New Zealand wakes up in alert level two. It’s no secret that I would have preferred for us to stay at level…
by Rachel MorrisonSource LinkAs lockdowns are relaxed around the world and people return to their workplaces, the next…
Although the science is not yet settled, researchers say government should be acting on ventilation and other measures nowSign…
Social distancing has quickly changed from a novel, “if-I-can” protection strategy, to an absolute must in the effort to stop…
Slovák Michal Smrek vysvetľuje, ako to je s voľnejším prístupom vo Švédsku. Hlavné slovo tam majú odborníci z úradu verejného…
Amid a mounting death toll of healthcare workers and ongoing alarm over the inadequate provision of effective personal…
Bár az ENSZ egészségügyi világszervezete, a WHO és annak nyomán a legtöbb hivatalos szerv, köztük Magyarország kormánya is 1-2 mé…
As spring continues to descend and cooped-up Oregonians head into the sunshine, a Belgian professor has released his findings…
Say you’re walking down the street to get some fresh air while you’re practicing social distance. You’re attempting to stay six…
El patógeno no está en el aire, pero sí se puede propagar a través de él
A sneeze can project a droplet-containing gas cloud seven or eight meters, possibly spreading disease. But the spoken word is…
by Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon Medical Adviser, ME…
Research on the fluid dynamics of respiratory emissions indicates that individuals infected with COVID-19 could spread viral…
The change in CDC guidance comes in response to new research on how the new coronavirus can spread. Peter Denovo/…
The rapid emergence of COVID-19 has created tremendous uncertainty in medicine. We don’t know where this pandemic is headed. We…
It's complicated.
Maybe you’ve seen the graph that says those countries where everyone wears a mask are the ones that have managed to keep Covid-19…
There’s much about the COVID-19 pandemic that is unprecedented, at least in my lifetime. One aspect is very familiar, though…
The latest scientific developments relating to COVID-19 and what they can tell us about the virus, its transmission, its…
Your mode of exercise might change the risks you encounter, as well as the risk you pose to others.
I risultati di una ricerca del MIT indicano che la massa d’aria con il suo carico di goccioline patogene spinto dalla forza…
]Alors que le nouveau coronavirus faisait son apparition à Wuhan, en Chine, où il a semé une pandémie dévastatrice, c'est au…
We will open this episode with a disclaimer: In this edition of the research roundup we acknowledge that we are making many…