So true. Health leaders say "it's just weed" while a 10 yr old can buy psychoactives at 7/11 companies market cannabis anywhere, everywhere and patients use these products for otherwise treatable conditions h
Source 2 :
CBD cure-all? New research @JAMA_current reinforces need for evidence-based therapies amid rising self-reported and unregulated use of cannabidiol to treat diagnosable conditions:
Self-reported CBD Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies #newonline
Self-reported #Cannabidiol (#CBD) Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies Commentary: The Need for Evidence Regarding Cannabidiol
RT @BWFUND: From @JAMA_current - Self-reported Cannabidiol (CBD) Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies #bwfirsa…
RT @BWFUND: From @JAMA_current - Self-reported Cannabidiol (CBD) Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies #bwfirsa…
RT @BWFUND: From @JAMA_current - Self-reported Cannabidiol (CBD) Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies #bwfirsa…
Testimonials on #SocialMedia reveal cannabidiol is frequently used to treat medical conditions, researchers @UofCalifornia, USA, have shown. #DrugRegulation #PharmaceuticalSciences Read the full report here:
Cannabidiol (CBD) is widely used for #osteoarthritis pain-an important evidence gap that warrants further investigation. @JohnWAyers via @JAMANetworkOpen part of @JAMANetwork
From @JAMA_current - Self-reported Cannabidiol (CBD) Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies #bwfirsa
RT @JAMANetworkOpen: Many think #CBD is medicine, contrary to evidence. 90% reported using CBD to treat psychiatric, cardiac, dermatologic…
Many think #CBD is medicine, contrary to evidence. 90% reported using CBD to treat psychiatric, cardiac, dermatological, GI, neurological, & ophthalmological conditions, many of which could otherwise be treated by evidence-based medicines. @JohnWAye
@AuCannabiz @rhyscohen This thread might entertain you.
My patients back in Canada frequently used “medical” marijuana without prescription. For me from Japan where any cannabis are illicit, that sounded curious. I may paraphrase the above sentence; “I use marijuana for healthy purpose, but not confirmed by m
Checkout the interview with @JohnWAyers on how he and colleagues (CLSPer @mdredze) are transforming regulatory science for #CBD #cannabis with digital methods.
All 3 papers linked here:
#JNOLive: @JohnWAyers joins @MDAware to discuss a case series evaluating #CBD posts on @reddit, finding most CBD users take it for conditions which have other, evidence-based treatments.
#jnolive starting soon 👇👇
RT @GrrrlInScience: Self-reported Cannabidiol (#CBD) Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies
Self-reported Cannabidiol (#CBD) Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies
Self-reported Cannabidiol (CBD) Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies.
@hyperplanes not stores per se but timely from @JAMANetworkOpen and will be discussing with the author on #jnolive tomorrow
Some users of #CBD appear to believe the drug treats nearly every ailment. It wouldn't surprise me if #CBD users also prefer homeopathic over medicine with a robust evidence base.
RT @TomVega42: #MAPOLI We need to have more and more legislative conversations about this predatory industry.
RT @TomVega42: #MAPOLI We need to have more and more legislative conversations about this predatory industry.
RT @JohnWAyers: How #BigCannabis reacts when you simply point out they shouldn't market their products like 19th century snake oil. Read @J…
#MAPOLI We need to have more and more legislative conversations about this predatory industry.
RT @JohnWAyers: #CBD is not real medicine. The public takes it for #acne, #addiction, #autism, #afib, etc., despite the @US_FDA not recomme…
RT @josegallucci: 👉Canabidiol não é panacea, carece de evidência para seu uso em saúde mental até o momento. Em condições específicas como…
Self-reported CBD Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies via @JAMANetworkOpen part of @JAMANetwork
Para conhecimento..
👉Canabidiol não é panacea, carece de evidência para seu uso em saúde mental até o momento. Em condições específicas como espasticidade, dor e raras epilepsias de difícil controle há evidência de qualidade moderada para o uso. via @J
RT @CaulfieldTim: "Self-reported #CBD Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies" by @JohnWAyers, et al. via @JAMANe…
RT @CaulfieldTim: "Self-reported #CBD Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies" by @JohnWAyers, et al. via @JAMANe…
@drpaolandmd @Peter_Grinspoon Absolutely a team effort, agree. So long as parties involved keep an open mind and remain empathic to respective positions. Below tweet & thread great example of how *not* to approach matter. This is the worst of conventio
"...most users reported taking CBD as a therapeutic for diagnosable conditions, including mental health, cardiological... oral health, & sexual health conditions, many of which have other evidence-based treatment regimens." via @CaulfieldTim https://
RT @RosenthalCenter: Analysis of posts on social media site @reddit suggest consumers use #CBD products for wide range of #mentalhealth and…
Analysis of posts on social media site @reddit suggest consumers use #CBD products for wide range of #mentalhealth and other conditions that have other, proven treatments @JAMANetworkOpen
The power of the #PlaceboEffect.
"Self-reported #CBD Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies" by @JohnWAyers, et al. via @JAMANetworkOpen @JAMANetwork cc @marco_zenone @jeremycsnyder There is a "need for interventions that address the use of CBD for unproven ap
RT @cannabi_noid: 『確立された治療法のある疾患にも多数がCBD使用』 (米JAMA、15日) CBDユーザー投稿を調査→医学誌で警鐘 治療じゃなくて健康補助なら良いよね… クスリじゃないのよサプリは HA HAN♪…
『確立された治療法のある疾患にも多数がCBD使用』 (米JAMA、15日) CBDユーザー投稿を調査→医学誌で警鐘 治療じゃなくて健康補助なら良いよね… クスリじゃないのよサプリは HA HAN♪ #CBD #CBDオイル #CBD生活 #ストレス #リラックス #サプリ
How will I cope through this second wave, you asked: Self-reported CBD Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies via @JAMANetworkOpen part of @JAMANetwork
Self-reported #CBD Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies via @JAMANetworkOpen And just a reminder via @Lisa_L_Gill's superb #cannabidiol reporting @ConsumerReports #caveatemptor #consumer #supplements