RT @ZyroFoxtrot: Alex Jones Was Right Again..... Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Fetal Development and IQ Scores in…
@RightWingCope “Conclusions & Relevance In this study, maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years. These findings indicate possible need to reduce fluoride intake d
@InlandCaGuy Growing body of evidence in multiple countries that flouride exposure has a negative effect on child IQ on the population level, but there's questions on the degree and the American Dental Association is going to war over it. https://t.co/SZrA
RT @SalsaPrice: @DC_Draino Fluoride in water really did make us stupider. https://t.co/vQHmia0GGB And Joe McCarthy was right.
RT @SalsaPrice: "fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years" https://t.co/vQHmia0…
@97OrangeCrush29 @yegwave #tapwater he’s or she banned I’m sure.. https://t.co/29UshAVelq
RT @dansuternz: @c_plushie @1NewsNZ Perhaps @1NewsNZ could try being transparent by discussing the conclusions found in this study. http…
@c_plushie @1NewsNZ Perhaps @1NewsNZ could try being transparent by discussing the conclusions found in this study. https://t.co/4BWV7gCrCp Fluoridation is forced medication and a violation of Section 11 of NZBORA 1990 https://t.co/kZoZ1bTahR
@GeologicalSETI Old news. 2019 Research in Canada proved lowering of IQ in children when mothers were exposed to fluoride when pregnant. https://t.co/r0i4sb1hBM
@The_Master_Yeti @WallStreetSilv Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada Keep drinking Canadian kool-Aid… https://t.co/m2bDJghQD9
More misleading information. Authors failed to account for high iodine intake in the mothers, almost all of whom took a prenatal vitamin supplement resulting in iodine intake twice as high as WHO recommendations. https://t.co/Ub3msblYF6 https://t.co/PFee
RT @POH_Smiles: Still a good read. Five years on. https://t.co/DtSvlQC8c8
Still a good read. Five years on. https://t.co/DtSvlQC8c8
@josenovaes92 https://t.co/BKPnk28bQg https://t.co/2bDfUAYyGm There's 2 or 3 more but good start. Fluoride looking like it may be neurotoxic to unborn children and children. This new government study leans that way too. Nothing slam dunk, but should we
@disclosetv Here's an interesting study on pregnant women drinking flouride treated water, and non, and the effects of their babies. https://t.co/90HjJ3tWDZ
RT @JohnConstas: First off, Fluoride is a known neurotoxin It lowers IQ in children And is probably doing the same in adults… https://t…
@dvassallo Eg this study in a top journal with “regular” fluoridated water found that women who consumed it during pregnancy had children with lower IQ : https://t.co/tsPMZKeyeZ
@NeutronLiam @Martyupnorth_2 I would say 1 in 4 is accurate. #abpoli #cdnpoli 🥰Fluoride etc. #YEG @yegwave Commie water. #IQ https://t.co/29UshAVMaY https://t.co/6CyyUwqO42
RT @yyccrime: @AlbertaCanada60 @CanadianPolling #IStandWithTrudeau2025 #cdnpoli From Fluoride? #yyc #yeg #abpoli https://t.co/29UshAVMaY ht…
RT @photobiogenesis: Mexico study: https://t.co/h3XEHxOAR1 Canada study: https://t.co/EHygBuOBvL Europe study: https://t.co/mKjWS5cHTK C…
Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada | Antenatal Exposures and Child Outcomes | https://t.co/mNpFV0xH81
RT @photobiogenesis: Mexico study: https://t.co/h3XEHxOAR1 Canada study: https://t.co/EHygBuOBvL Europe study: https://t.co/mKjWS5cHTK C…
Mexico study: https://t.co/h3XEHxOAR1 Canada study: https://t.co/EHygBuOBvL Europe study: https://t.co/mKjWS5cHTK China study: https://t.co/1vUsmMLfCu
@TheMandrewCan #Fluoride is not for #teeth. Lie # 1000 https://t.co/29UshAVMaY
RT @JohnConstas: First off, Fluoride is a known neurotoxin It lowers IQ in children And is probably doing the same in adults… https://t…
If #Alberta elects communists they deserve it.. I have family in #Texas. Have fun! #yyc #yeg #fluoridelawsuit #abpoli 🇺🇸#abstorm #crime #drugs #yyccrime🔥 https://t.co/29UshAVelq https://t.co/nYEod76XIl https://t.co/yrvKSh4b10
The #LowIQ voters will vote in the trashy, stinky needle haven cities. The #Farmers (Rural) have NO idea who this guy is… #EnoughOfLooting Smith 2027! #yeg #yyc #abpoli 🔥@CoryBMorgan 10-4 https://t.co/29UshAVelq https://t.co/G7C2GeIp4c https://t.co/UPhi2a
@c_plushie @Nofluoride Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada In this prospective birth cohort study, fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3
@infowars @InfowarsJournal @HarrisonHSmith "A 1-mg/L increase ... associated with a 4.49-point lower IQ score ... boys, but there was no ... association ... in girls..." "A 1-mg higher daily intake of fluoride among pregnant women was associated with a 3.6
Gosh they can breed... #scary #yyc #yeg #abpoli #EnoughIsEnough #LowIQ 😷 https://t.co/29UshAVMaY https://t.co/4LBeGYAzMW
@GregDekelver @spycraft_76 @SamirKayande Gosh does Calgary have the lowest IQ? #yyc https://t.co/29UshAVMaY
Bingo. https://t.co/AxsoZEYwni
When a #Liberal voter is 52 living in mom’s basement. It’s a hopeless case. I’m sorry to say rainbows & #CBCNews won’t put #food on the table unless you live in La La La La La La land. #yyc #yeg https://t.co/29UshAVMaY https://t.co/5NgUPFSqRr
@JoeDavi98945356 @EvidenceOpen Healthier teeth, but at what cost? -- "...fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years." https://t.co/5cog5JQVmH
RT @POH_Smiles: Consuming bioavailable fluorine in any form is not healthy, and is risky. Including the practice of adding it to drinking…
Consuming bioavailable fluorine in any form is not healthy, and is risky. Including the practice of adding it to drinking water to try to prevent tooth decay. Not worth the risk. https://t.co/4zMvZltBMz
RT @POH_Smiles: Fluoride plays no role in the etiology of caries, despite decades of advertising and mythologizing. And it has major side e…
Fluoride plays no role in the etiology of caries, despite decades of advertising and mythologizing. And it has major side effects. Not worth the risk at all. https://t.co/DtSvlQC8c8
RT @keisuke4713: 🇨🇦🤰フッ化物曝露 子のIQ⬇️ https://t.co/zJWpoHvPEX 512組母子、母親の登録年齢の平均(SD)32.3(5.1)歳、463 人(90%)が白人、子供264人(52%)🚺 母体尿中フッ化物(MUFSG)1mg/L…
🇨🇦🤰フッ化物曝露 子のIQ⬇️ https://t.co/zJWpoHvPEX 512組母子、母親の登録年齢の平均(SD)32.3(5.1)歳、463 人(90%)が白人、子供264人(52%)🚺 母体尿中フッ化物(MUFSG)1mg/L⬆️は男児IQ4.49⬇️関連 女児IQ と有意関連なし フッ化物一日摂取量1 mg多い→男児と女児IQ3.66⬇️
@Lukewearechange 1) When has the government done anything, out of the kindness of their hearts to help us? 2) I can handle cleaning my teeth myself. I don’t need daddy government poisoning the water supply. 3) It’s a neurotoxin, with measurable detrimental
@JunkScience Sorry Steve. This is a bad take. Maybe try drinking more flouride if you're so confident in your boast. https://t.co/D3ILvMoOE4 https://t.co/JAdoep7U2o
https://t.co/drhMYLlXFL '...maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years...'
RT @thelovelybrenda: @WaterPIO @WPR Fluoride at levels of 0.7mg/L and lower have been shown to lower IQ and increase rates of #ADHD. Here…
@MJTruthUltra Show her the science. “Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada.”https://t.co/1tOPBmd6iK
RT @JAMAPediatrics: The Most Read JAMA Pediatrics article of 2019: Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ S…
RT @JayGordonMDFAAP: Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada | Pediatrics | JA…
@WaterPIO @WPR Fluoride at levels of 0.7mg/L and lower have been shown to lower IQ and increase rates of #ADHD. Here is one of many studies we now have. https://t.co/x9URJU0duG
@Myviewsaremyow2 @thehealthb0t Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico Link: https://t.co/dNpgHRkRkS Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in
@Myviewsaremyow2 @thehealthb0t Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada Link: https://t.co/zcT0Na463R
RT @FluorideAction: @IanCopeland5 @DBrozeLiveFree @KattWilliams @joerogan @rohangilkes Here are two of the highest quality studies in the m…
Funny how “learned” people fail to take their own advice. What’s the opposite of imposter syndrome? “ Do your research before you talk.” Start here> https://t.co/DtSvlQC8c8
@IanCopeland5 @DBrozeLiveFree @KattWilliams @joerogan @rohangilkes Here are two of the highest quality studies in the monograph, both are long-term prospective cohort studies. Bashash 2017 https://t.co/t1VxbGOtef Green 2019 https://t.co/KNHVianuyP
Been 5 years since this paper was published. All pharmacist's should be aware. --- "Conclusions & Relevance In this study, maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 year
Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada https://t.co/X0Pbi60Rhc
The study: https://t.co/b4QbfCy2CN
@stwater Depends how much fluoride you add and the damage it does to kids https://t.co/hTBxgeb3Zq
RT @WhistleTip_Boys: @BretWeinstein @waitbutwhy Fluoride exposure through drinking water can lower kids' IQ 3-5 points https://t.co/ATvOSj…
@AlannaWannabe Mostly neurodevelopmental issues as it crosses the placenta via passive diffusion https://t.co/NAFGR0F11k https://t.co/D9wC3fLM8Q
@portocarrerojj @BowTiedGatorDDS https://t.co/ATvOSiKIhq This study in Canada showed a loss of 3-5 IQ points in mothers who lived in areas with routine fluoridation of tap water.
@BowTiedGatorDDS I can see the concern for fluoride during pregnancy being more concerning. Fluoride levels in these studies were only about twice our allowable limit. So even our allowable limit may have some effects on IQ. https://t.co/7qbDoZirAq
@carbdiem It's funny, because there has been some good preliminary research showing that maybe fluoridating the water supply is bad after all. But a near certainty it's totally fine in toothpaste, and applying it to your teeth is where you get the benefit
@crazycrazyfolks I will pray for you #CBCNews. #brainwashed #peaceful #lowIQ #NoGod https://t.co/29UshAVMaY
@stillgray #Fluoride affects young #boys because they can’t give #birth. Did you really think it was for #teeth?? @AFS_Fertilizer #Science https://t.co/29UshAVMaY
RT @SalsaPrice: "fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years" https://t.co/vQHmia0…