IAOMT | International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology,
Kentucky Residents: Please help get a floor vote on HB141, to end the statewide fluoridation mandate. It passed out of…
Kentucky Residents: Please help get a floor vote on HB141, to end the statewide fluoridation mandate. It passed out of…
Many, many links and a lot of info in this post
Kentucky Residents: Please help get a floor vote on HB141, to end the statewide fluoridation mandate. It passed out of…
DO YOUR PRO-FLUORIDE POLITICIANS KNOW THE TRUTH ON FLUORIDE POISON? New video below. If Politicians prescribe this fluoride…
Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores : https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/f…
THE GREAT FLUORIDE AWAKENING, 2020. How long have you been virtually "vaccinated" with Government toxic fluoride, after…
THE GREAT FLUORIDE AWAKENING, 2020. How long have you been virtually "vaccinated" with Government toxic fluoride, after…
THE GREAT FLUORIDE AWAKENING, 2020. How long have you been virtually "vaccinated" with Government toxic fluoride, after…
THE GREAT FLUORIDE AWAKENING, 2020. How long have you been virtually "vaccinated" with Government toxic fluoride, after…
[ANTI FLUORIDATION] I sent this letter to the journalist from the Calgary Herald who published an extremely weak, inaccurate…
Before you shoot the messenger for this controversial topic… from June 8-18, the EPA was in federal court in San Francisco over…
Thanks to Transcend Dental Health for the info. "Children’s IQ was assessed at ages 3 to 4 years using the Wechsler Primary and…
Fluoride exposure during pregnancy may be associated with adverse effects on child intellectual development, indicating the…
One of many studies linking fluoride to brain damage in infants and young children. When are we going to ban fluorides? https:…
The study: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2748634 The full interview: http://fluoridealert.org/news…
The coronavirus outbreak is causing bottled water to fly off the shelves at supermarkets. This makes it difficult for pregnant…
The coronavirus outbreak is causing bottled water to fly off the shelves at supermarkets. This makes it difficult for pregnant…
Another study showing a link between decreases in IQ and fluoride. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2…
From JAMA. We are medicated without consent when it comes to fluoride in drinking water. We have been since the late 40s. …
Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada: https://jamanetwork.com/jou…
Is maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy associated with childhood IQ in a Canadian cohort receiving optimally…
Although fluoride has many proven benefits for oral health by reducing dental carries, there has been recent research that has…
THE 2019/2020 WARNING FOR FLUORIDATED COMMUNITIES? https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2748634…
Two well credentialed Doctors and editors of one of the best Medical Journals in the world discover some new, but old facts on…
Two well credentialed Doctors and editors of one of the best Medical Journals in the world discover some new, but old facts on…
Me preocupa que tan lento son los cambios en los hábitos, después de demostrar que algo es dañino para nuestra salud. En este…
I shared this letter on Dec 4, 2019, written by a practicing dentist, Dr. Chris Edwards with the Anchorage Water and Wastewater…
I shared this letter on Dec 4, 2019, written by a practicing dentist, Dr. Chris Edwards with the Anchorage Water and Wastewater…
Brains matter! This is an amazing drop in IQ and our government does nothing! https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics…
Researchers have made a distinct association between maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in offspring in…
Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in…
We need your help. TOWN HALL MEETINGS are being organized by your elected representatives. Please attend, hand your councillor…
Drinking fluoride during pregnancy! https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2748634
From a public health standpoint fluoride can be a contentious issue. This study shows an association between maternal fluoride…
妊娠中はフッ素添加水道水を避けた方がよい? 高濃度のフッ素曝露は児が3~4歳になった時点のIQ低値に関係する 大西 淳子=医学ジャーナリスト https://medical.nikkeibp.co.jp/leaf/mem/pub/hotnews/jama/2…
JAMA Pediatrics: In this study, maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ…
Another Billboard is up in Thorndon Quay, Wellington. Thank you for all of your donations and support. Please spread the word…
EXANE RECOMIENDA: 📜ARTÍCULO: Asociación entre la exposición a fluoruro materno durante el embarazo y los puntajes de…
Importance The potential neurotoxicity associated with exposure to fluoride, which has generated controversy about community…
Giver for meget flour i drikkevand og tandpasta dummere drengebørn ? Tja, denne undersøgelse tyder på det, men det er en…
IF THERE IS A FLUORIDE RISK, THERE MUST BE A FLUORIDE CHOICE. Canada is now fluoridated to less than 30%, but Australia at…
IF THERE IS A FLUORIDE RISK, THERE MUST BE A FLUORIDE CHOICE. Canada is now fluoridated to less than 30%, but Australia at…
IF THERE IS A FLUORIDE RISK, THERE MUST BE A FLUORIDE CHOICE. Canada is now fluoridated to less than 30%, but Australia at…
CDHA Responds to Study Linking Lower IQ scores to Consumption of Fluoridated Water During…
Word is getting out about the recently published JAMA Pediatrics paper, Green et al. 2019. Please ring/email your council and…
Word is getting out about the recently published JAMA Pediatrics paper, Green et al. 2019. Please ring/email your council and…
Fluoride use during pregnancy correlated with lower intelligence in children, indicating the possible need to reduce fluoride…
This study examines the association between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in a prospective birth cohort.
INGESTING FLUORIDE FROM MANY SOURCES CAN AFFECT THE IQ OF A FOETUS. Including brewed black and green tea. Why are the pregnant…
Have you wondered if the fluoride in our public water system is a good thing or not? Certainly, there have been man people…
INGESTING FLUORIDE FROM MANY SOURCES CAN AFFECT THE IQ OF A FOETUS. Including brewed black and green tea. Why are the pregnant…
INGESTING FLUORIDE FROM MANY SOURCES CAN AFFECT THE IQ OF A FOETUS. Including brewed black and green tea. Why are the pregnant…
" In this prospective birth cohort study, fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children…
Wow...an AMA journal just published a study that shows that pregnant women who drank fluoridated water had children with a…
Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in…
The world's premier medical journal on Pediatrics has published a new government-funded study linking exposure to "optimally…
ANOTHER NAIL IN THE COFFIN FOR FORCED WATER FLUORIDATION? Another fluoride study confirms neurological damage to the foetus. …
BREAKING NEWS - Please share FLUORIDE FREE AUSTRALIA's Media Release - another study confirming fluoride causes neurological…
A new study has found that "fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower #IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4…
Fluoridated water during pregnancy linked to lower IQs... Go to FluorideAlert.org for more information on fluoride. https://jam…
Who wants fluoride free water delivered to their home! We must ask for this!
Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in…
"In this study, maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children…
Help us to end fluoridation! We must for your children and grandchildren! https://jamanetwork.com/…/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2…
This study examines the association between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in a prospective birth cohort.
Help us to end fluoridation! We must for your children and grandchildren! https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fu…
Filter your water if it has fluoride.
Fluoride once again is shown to be TOXIC to the BRAIN. This study associates prenatal fluoride exposure to a decreased IQ in…
Fluoride once again is shown to be toxic to the brain. This study associates prenatal fluoride exposure to a decreased IQ in…
Boys found to have IQ nearly 4 points lower with fluoridated water.
In this prospective birth cohort study, fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged…
"In this study, maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children…
This study examines the association between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in a prospective birth cohort.
Parse the scientific literature and you will find more evidence for magnesium, calcium, vitamin D et al as contributor to…
New highly significant study! Green, R., Lanphear, B., Hornung, R., Flora, D., Martinez-Mier, E.A., Nuefeld, R., Ayotte, P.…
New highly significant study! Green, R., Lanphear, B., Hornung, R., Flora, D., Martinez-Mier, E.A., Nuefeld, R., Ayotte, P.…
BREAKING NEWS, Please SHARE. 1. Another fluoride study confirms neurological damage to the foetus. https://jamanetwork.com/jour…
BREAKING NEWS, Please SHARE. 1. Another fluoride study confirms neurological damage to the foetus. https://jamanetwork.com/jour…
ANOTHER NAIL IN THE COFFIN FOR FORCED WATER FLUORIDATION? Another fluoride study confirms neurological damage to the foetus. …
The world's premier medical journal on Pediatrics has published a new government-funded study linking exposure to "optimally…
Higher levels of fluoride exposure during pregnancy were associated with lower IQ scores in children measured at 3 to 4 years.
ANOTHER NAIL IN THE COFFIN FOR FORCED WATER FLUORIDATION? Another fluoride study confirms neurological damage to the foetus. …
Just published in JAMA Pediatrics... "In this study, maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was…
BREAKING NEWS, Please SHARE. 1. Another fluoride study confirms neurological damage to the foetus. https://jamanetwork.com/jour…
This study examines the association between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in a prospective birth cohort.
BREAKING NEWS, Please SHARE. 1. Another fluoride study confirms neurological damage to the foetus. https://jamanetwork.com/jour…
BREAKING NEWS, Please SHARE. 1. Another fluoride study confirms neurological damage to the foetus. https://jamanetwork.com/jour…
3 CALLS to make: Call the 1) CDC and the 2) EPA and your 3) local City and let them know of the harm that fluoridated…
This study examines the association between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in a prospective birth cohort.
We are mad.----- Moms are mad. Really mad. DRINKING FLUORIDATION CAN HARM THAT PRECIOUS LIFE! https://jamanetwork.com/jour…
This study examines the association between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in a prospective birth cohort.