RT @JAMA_current: A #healthylifestyle was associated with lower risk of #dementia among participants with low or high genetic risk https://…
Un estilo de vida no saludable y alto riesgo genético se asociaron a >riesgo de demencia (2.83 veces); incluso en aquellos con alto riesgo genético el hecho de tener vida saludable bajó la probabilidad de #demencia en un 32%.n=196,383 personas. https:/
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/YPOtOqys8b
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/kMEcty7RNq
RT @JAMA_current: A #healthylifestyle was associated with lower risk of #dementia among participants with low or high genetic risk https://…
RT @Kieru_Chan: งานวิจัยตีพิมพ์ใน JAMA ระบุว่า พฤติกรรมใส่ใจสุขภาพทำให้เสี่ยงต่อการเกิดโรคความจำเสื่อมลดลง พฤติกรรมที่ดีคือ - ไม่สูบบุหรี่…
RT @EricTopol: The risk of #Alzheimers in ~200,000 people with polygenic risk score and lifestyle: association of healthy lifestyle w/ favo…
RT @EricTopol: The risk of #Alzheimers in ~200,000 people with polygenic risk score and lifestyle: association of healthy lifestyle w/ favo…
Remember folks: what's good for your heart is also good for your brain!
RT @EricTopol: The risk of #Alzheimers in ~200,000 people with polygenic risk score and lifestyle: association of healthy lifestyle w/ favo…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A retrospective cohort @uk_biobank study published in @JAMA_current shows that both high polygenic risk and unfavorable li…
RT @EricTopol: The risk of #Alzheimers in ~200,000 people with polygenic risk score and lifestyle: association of healthy lifestyle w/ favo…
RT @EricTopol: The risk of #Alzheimers in ~200,000 people with polygenic risk score and lifestyle: association of healthy lifestyle w/ favo…
RT @EricTopol: The risk of #Alzheimers in ~200,000 people with polygenic risk score and lifestyle: association of healthy lifestyle w/ favo…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A retrospective cohort @uk_biobank study published in @JAMA_current shows that both high polygenic risk and unfavorable li…
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
RT @DrDJLlewellyn: New blog summarising coverage of our @JAMA_current paper (https://t.co/IB05i5t1HJ) suggesting that a healthy lifestyle m…
Some #genes are entirely in your control. Those with a high genetic risk & an unhealthy #lifestyle were almost 3 times more likely to develop #dementia compared to those with a low genetic risk & a healthy lifestyle https://t.co/VTP1ApMJez
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
RT @Dra_TeraizaMesa: RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lif…
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
RT @MDGustavoSilva: Un estilo de vida saludable se asoció con un menor riesgo de demencia entre los participantes con riesgo genético bajo…
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated with lower risk of dementia among @uk_biobank participants with low or high polygenic risk. https://t.co/wbtQDGypQI
Un estilo de vida saludable se asoció con un menor riesgo de demencia entre los participantes con riesgo genético bajo o alto. #Alzheimer https://t.co/u6BVUThuZI
RT @EricTopol: The risk of #Alzheimers in ~200,000 people with polygenic risk score and lifestyle: association of healthy lifestyle w/ favo…
Genetics do not solely determine #dementia. A healthier lifestyle (no #smoking, regular physical activity, healthy diet, moderate #alcohol) may reduce increased genetic risk for dementia in older adults. #NoFateButWhatWeMake @JAMA_current https://t.co/5J
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
RT @DrDJLlewellyn: New blog summarising coverage of our @JAMA_current paper (https://t.co/IB05i5t1HJ) suggesting that a healthy lifestyle m…
RT @DrDJLlewellyn: New blog summarising coverage of our @JAMA_current paper (https://t.co/IB05i5t1HJ) suggesting that a healthy lifestyle m…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A retrospective cohort @uk_biobank study published in @JAMA_current shows that both high polygenic risk and unfavorable li…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A retrospective cohort @uk_biobank study published in @JAMA_current shows that both high polygenic risk and unfavorable li…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A retrospective cohort @uk_biobank study published in @JAMA_current shows that both high polygenic risk and unfavorable li…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A retrospective cohort @uk_biobank study published in @JAMA_current shows that both high polygenic risk and unfavorable li…
RT @geriatriachile: A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk of dementia among participants with low or high genetic risk. https:…
New blog summarising coverage of our @JAMA_current paper (https://t.co/IB05i5t1HJ) suggesting that a healthy lifestyle may help to offset genetic risk of dementia. #ExeterDementia https://t.co/oOoemW6ZsP https://t.co/HHl2Ba3IWs
RT @MuinJKhoury: A retrospective cohort @uk_biobank study published in @JAMA_current shows that both high polygenic risk and unfavorable li…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A retrospective cohort @uk_biobank study published in @JAMA_current shows that both high polygenic risk and unfavorable li…
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/xTAheh2MXS
Healthy lifestyle associated with lower risk of #dementia dementia among participants with low or high genetic risk https://t.co/FndbF2ZAMd @MindBodyGreen @Greatist @AceFitness @exerciseworks @LDC_tweets
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
RT @golveirafuster: No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen…
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/fC0y50rW9z
No todo son los genes. Las personas que, a pesar de tener un perfil de riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia, siguen un estilo de vida saludable (dieta, ejercicio, no fumar, si toman alcohol moderadamente) disminuyen la incidencia de la enfermedad. http
RT @osmachope: Genética o estilo de vida en #demencia? pues el estilo de vida hace mucho @JAMA_current https://t.co/qMLM0ronj8
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
RT @osmachope: Genética o estilo de vida en #demencia? pues el estilo de vida hace mucho @JAMA_current https://t.co/qMLM0ronj8
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk of dementia among participants with low or high genetic risk. https://t.co/rDNrW9EJjr
RT @osmachope: Genética o estilo de vida en #demencia? pues el estilo de vida hace mucho @JAMA_current https://t.co/qMLM0ronj8
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
RT @osmachope: Genética o estilo de vida en #demencia? pues el estilo de vida hace mucho @JAMA_current https://t.co/qMLM0ronj8
RT @GavrilescuMD: Rx exercise! It's 'over the counter' and covered by all the insurance plans. Healthy lifestyle (exercise, diet, no tobacc…
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…
Genética o estilo de vida en #demencia? pues el estilo de vida hace mucho @JAMA_current https://t.co/qMLM0ronj8
RT @GavrilescuMD: Rx exercise! It's 'over the counter' and covered by all the insurance plans. Healthy lifestyle (exercise, diet, no tobacc…
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
Promising study for older adults with a genetic risk of dementia! Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/yAXWevH7FM
RT @MunaElMasriya: العيشة الصحية = عدم التدخين+ كحول متوسط مش كتير + أكل صحي+ رياضة مش أقل من 150 دقيقة ف الاسبوع يعني بتاع نص ساعة ف اليوم…
Study: “A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk of dementia among participants with low or high genetic risk” | JAMA Network https://t.co/b6dKdtjefm
Rx exercise! It's 'over the counter' and covered by all the insurance plans. Healthy lifestyle (exercise, diet, no tobacco and minimal alcohol) reduces dementia risk even in patients with higher genetic predisposing factors. https://t.co/w5VafS2ClI @CleveC
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia | Dementia and Cognitive Impairment | JAMA | JAMA Network @alzheimernl @hersenstichting @MaastrichtUMC @observantUM https://t.co/J9J3i2Ms83
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/Mn8MM2xGnV
RT @fcanestro: Un estilo de vida saludable puede ayudar a compensar el riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia (JAMA) https://t.co/yDdiAka7…
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
RT @MuinJKhoury: Take home message of recent @JAMA_current paper that has attracted a lot of attention: A healthy lifestyle is associated…
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/JeUkTipKQA @JAMANetwork “A favorable lifestyle was associated with a lower dementia risk among participants with high genetic risk.”
and preserve your #brain! ▶️no smoking ▶️physical activity ▶️healthy diet ▶️low to moderate alcohol consumption - are associated with reduced #dementia risk event in subjects with high genetic risk! https://t.co/5Zh5fYzeMg
“healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk of dementia among participants with low or high genetic risk” https://t.co/WQxj9cIQD7
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/L5cX6vw8Ue
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…
RT @getbrainhealthy: https://t.co/GT3M3luuhc what wonderful information, “A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk of dementia a…
RT @fcanestro: Un estilo de vida saludable puede ayudar a compensar el riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia (JAMA) https://t.co/yDdiAka7…
RT @fcanestro: Un estilo de vida saludable puede ayudar a compensar el riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia (JAMA) https://t.co/yDdiAka7…
Estilo de vida saludable = Menor riesgo de Demencia, independientemente del riesgo genético. Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/yG3hJoos2b
RT @jrlumpkin: New @JAMA_current study finds that a combination of exercise, eating healthy foods, limited alcohol use, avoiding tobacco re…
Un estilo de vida saludable puede ayudar a compensar el riesgo genético de desarrollar demencia (JAMA) https://t.co/yDdiAka76Z https://t.co/t8jOKpkhpz
https://t.co/GT3M3luuhc what wonderful information, “A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk of dementia among participants with low or high genetic risk.” #lifestyle, #prevention #riskreduction
RT @OlgaGeorgina: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia | Dementia and Cognitive Impairment | JAMA | JAMA Ne…
RT @erlesen: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/tfSEfHgPvg Dementia: Lifestyle changes that…
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…
RT @BethFratesMD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia "A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk…