A study done in the UK supports that carrying Alzheimer's genes increases the risk, but is not the sole reason for developing dementia symptoms. Read the study here: https://t.co/9pWYSfdlVv #evergreencottages #houstontx #geneticsandlifestyle #harvardhealt
Public health policies promoting healthy lifestyle choices for midlife and older populations would be more effective than throwing billions of USD of public money into anti-amyloid drugs https://t.co/a1cm481cOK
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/foWoFf0mad via @JAMA_current part of @JAMANetwork
@ProfRobHoward Not sure I'm articulating it right but basically I agree we can't be absolutely sure, bur there is a lot of evidence it is a risk factor, at least indirectly via Cardiovascular effect. There is even encouraging evidence genetic risk could be
#MaladieAlzheimer #Demence Si l’existence d’un risque génétique et d’un risque lié au tabac, activité physique, alcool et alimentation a déjà été décrite dans la maladie d’Alzheimer et les démences apparentées, quid de l’interaction des deux ? https://t.c
RT @DCGenomics: Another cool @ukbiobank paper! Interested in dementia? https://t.co/GwSKl2zBWO H/t @DEMONNetworkUK @dnanexus
Another cool @ukbiobank paper! Interested in dementia? https://t.co/GwSKl2zBWO H/t @DEMONNetworkUK @dnanexus
RT @Alzhacker: https://t.co/YdYSEpNINp 遺伝的リスクと生活習慣リスクに応じた認知症発症のリスク 良好なライフスタイルは、認知症リスクの低下と関連しており、(認知症の)遺伝的リスクと健康的なライフスタイルとの間に有意な相互作用は認められなか…
認知症のpolygenic risk scoreの3カテゴリー×ライフスタイルの3カテゴリーの9カテゴリーをexposureとしている。PRSと生活スタイルのいずれも有意に認知症発症のリスクを上昇させたが、交互作用は有意ではなかった。 JAMA 2019
RT @Alzhacker: https://t.co/YdYSEpNINp 遺伝的リスクと生活習慣リスクに応じた認知症発症のリスク 良好なライフスタイルは、認知症リスクの低下と関連しており、(認知症の)遺伝的リスクと健康的なライフスタイルとの間に有意な相互作用は認められなか…
https://t.co/YdYSEpNINp 遺伝的リスクと生活習慣リスクに応じた認知症発症のリスク 良好なライフスタイルは、認知症リスクの低下と関連しており、(認知症の)遺伝的リスクと健康的なライフスタイルとの間に有意な相互作用は認められなかった。 https://t.co/t9BtHdlb7q
Some #genes are entirely in your control. Those with a high genetic risk PLUS an unhealthy #lifestyle were 3 times more likely to develop #dementia compared to those with a low genetic risk & a healthy lifestyle https://t.co/VTP1ApMJez
Great replication of our findings using the HRS data presented today by Jessica Faul at virtual #AAIC20 https://t.co/JYllRwd1MK
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/HolZZFbfbj
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/bLPdcutZ47
RT @WmHaseltine: This article in JAMA addresses the question of whether adopting a healthy lifestyle can help lower the risk of dementia. h…
Una vida sana podría reducir las probabilidades de demencia en personas con un riesgo genético elevado Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia #Medicineoflearning #cienciasmédicas https://t.co/6N33QjaUiB
This article in JAMA addresses the question of whether adopting a healthy lifestyle can help lower the risk of dementia. https://t.co/T0iA2AeHgv
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
Study @JAMANetwork finds genetic risk of dementia offset by healthy lifestyle. https://t.co/gPrmE4hdEh #lifestylemedicine https://t.co/RYkwQVXaIA
RT @scdyall: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated with l…
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
RT @scdyall: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated with l…
'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated with lower dementia risk, also in people with high genetic risk
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
RT @JAMA_current: Here's a link to the full article: https://t.co/DHZCCRrRhB
RT @JAMA_current: Here's a link to the full article: https://t.co/DHZCCRrRhB https://t.co/4cCMXmg2Y3
RT @JAMA_current: Here's a link to the full article: https://t.co/DHZCCRrRhB https://t.co/4cCMXmg2Y3
RT @julianmutz: 'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated wit…
RT @JAMA_current: Here's a link to the full article: https://t.co/DHZCCRrRhB
RT @JAMA_current: Here's a link to the full article: https://t.co/DHZCCRrRhB
RT @JAMA_current: Here's a link to the full article: https://t.co/DHZCCRrRhB https://t.co/4cCMXmg2Y3
RT @JAMA_current: Here's a link to the full article: https://t.co/DHZCCRrRhB https://t.co/4cCMXmg2Y3
Here's a link to the full article: https://t.co/DHZCCRrRhB
'Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia' in @JAMA_current Healthy #lifestyle associated with lower dementia risk, also in people with high genetic risk @uk_biobank @eilis_hannon @ElaKuzma @DrDJLlewellyn and colleagues ht
A healthy lifestyle is associated with a lower risk of dementia regardless of whether the patient has a high or low genetic risk: https://t.co/x9khcduD8n #A4M #RedefiningMedicine #HealthyLifestyle #Dementia #antiaging #brainhealth #preventativemedicine #lo
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/2lhxVoeiES A healthy lifestyle was associated with lower risk of dementia among participants with low or high genetic risk.
In older cognitively unimpaired subjects, an unfavorable lifestyle or genetics increased #dementia risk. Favorable lifestyle was associated with lower dementia risk. @JAMA_current @Aging_Society @TheNewANA1 @AANMember @ASAging @alzassociation #BrainHealth
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/GqjiQTPaI1 https://t.co/8LEY36XDSX
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/8ldnqmHFMD https://t.co/6JoJTTl1oQ
RT @qgorgas: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/oPHLaBL96l
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/oPHLaBL96l
Association of #Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of #Dementia https://t.co/aIWjFSjhKp
RT @timfrayling: @manuelrivascruz does a @skathire ? :-) This joins a growing list of papers showing no interaction between known common va…
RT @timfrayling: @manuelrivascruz does a @skathire ? :-) This joins a growing list of papers showing no interaction between known common va…
RT @timfrayling: @manuelrivascruz does a @skathire ? :-) This joins a growing list of papers showing no interaction between known common va…
Arggg, this scenario looks so "boring"! I guess in the end GWAS effects are just the average across backgrounds. Maybe the interactions are hidden in the "hidden heritability" of low effects? But if so, why @jyang1981 et al. can recover the full h2 for B
RT @timfrayling: @manuelrivascruz does a @skathire ? :-) This joins a growing list of papers showing no interaction between known common va…
@manuelrivascruz does a @skathire ? :-) This joins a growing list of papers showing no interaction between known common variants and other risk factors such as BMI, lifestyle etc, in modifying disease risk (previous efforts: https://t.co/CoFhqj9Flq & h
High genetic risk of #AlzheimersDisease can be greatly offset by healthy lifestyle choices according to this retrospective study in over people aged 60 and over of European ancestry (N=196,383) @JAMANetwork. https://t.co/qo28ZeWV2a https://t.co/ERwRm2khlL
RT @MyMindMyMemory: This is really important research on Lifestyle factors on risk of Dementia https://t.co/zFYBCv63a7
This is really important research on Lifestyle factors on risk of Dementia
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia | Dementia and Cognitive Impairment | JAMA | https://t.co/TusUTrYI5J
RT @byron_creese: ✅lifestyle=⬇️#dementia risk but only for people with low/medium genetic risk. Contrast with @DrDJLlewellyn https://t.co/…
A healthy lifestyle is beneficial for preventing dementia, whatever your genetic predisposition @JAMA_current https://t.co/UojXvZFf2l #dementia #brain #neuroscience #healthylifestyle #ukbiobank https://t.co/ePzAR0696V
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/hvCWInm3LR
A healthy lifestyle is associated with lower #dementia risk regardless of genetic factors. https://t.co/LlX5rVoa0T @ExeterMed @UM_IHPI @DeptVetAffairs @UniversitySA @ucl
RT @JulioBasulto_DN: En personas mayores tanto un mal estilo de vida como un alto riesgo genético⬆️el riesgo de demencia. Un buen estilo de…
RT @JulioBasulto_DN: En personas mayores tanto un mal estilo de vida como un alto riesgo genético⬆️el riesgo de demencia. Un buen estilo de…
Favorable lifestyle CAN compensate, in part, for genetic burden for AD: Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/GCvSUjOGH2
RT @V_DAVEY: New research finds that a "favourable lifestyle" reduces the incidence of dementia among people with a high genetic risk. How…
New research finds that a "favourable lifestyle" reduces the incidence of dementia among people with a high genetic risk. How long will it take before measures to equalise opportunities for healthy lifestyles are considered key to health prevention?
RT @dmcdaid: More on the importance of lifestyle & dementia risk in @JAMA_current https://t.co/bKzE4xkzfE
RT @dmcdaid: More on the importance of lifestyle & dementia risk in @JAMA_current https://t.co/bKzE4xkzfE
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/2mY6YcqqV4
RT @dmcdaid: More on the importance of lifestyle & dementia risk in @JAMA_current https://t.co/bKzE4xkzfE
More on the importance of lifestyle & dementia risk in @JAMA_current https://t.co/bKzE4xkzfE
“Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia” is available at #ECNP2019 booth 23 https://t.co/f5Baz6fyOY
Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia https://t.co/NBpjaRS7Qz
@drhuerta Aquí ambos estudios: 1) Estudio Rotterdam https://t.co/k2tBjQLh8K 2) Estudio UK Biobank: https://t.co/vMNT6ntO8R
Key finding (UK Biobank): "The genetic and lifestyle associations are independent and additive. That is, modifiable lifestyle factors affect dementia risk regardless of genetic risk." The study here: https://t.co/vMNT6ntO8R (3/4)
RT @irishealthae: Is a healthy lifestyle associated with lower risk of #dementia, regardless of genetic risk? A new study published on @JAM…
Is a healthy lifestyle associated with lower risk of #dementia, regardless of genetic risk? A new study published on @JAMA_current says yes! #YouMatter #healthcare #healthylifestyle https://t.co/QyFbaEYN7S
RT @RevistaMFSamfyc: Asociación de hábitos y riesgo genético con la incidencia de demencia https://t.co/QLUoMvqMiA PMID 31302669
Asociación de hábitos y riesgo genético con la incidencia de demencia https://t.co/QLUoMvqMiA PMID 31302669
RT @centinel5051: Relación entre el estilo de vida, la predisposición genética y el riesgo de demencia https://t.co/DMmuQuitF0 Un estilo de…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…
Interesting work!
유전적 요인이 있든 없든 건강한 생활습관은 치매를 어느정도 예방한다.
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…
We need to invest more in Alzheimer’s and Dementia research. Quality care starts with meaningful communication with beneficiaries! #Moonshot
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…
RT @MuinJKhoury: A healthy lifestyle may be associated with lower risk of dementia even among individuals at high polygenic risk for dement…