RT @GardnerPhD: New observational study @JAMA concludes eggs & cholesterol associated w/ CVD risk. Study merits aside, caution to confused…
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
RT @DiscoStew66: Welcome to the world of nutrition in which experts say eggs, which humans have been eating for millennia, cause heart dise…
RT @DieteticSpeak: So there is no need to stress about having eggs in your diet, they are an extremely nutritious food (hence why they are…
@vanvlietphd We have good reporters (WaPo) fighting the good fight though when these come out: https://t.co/QIcMqOUEpt
Correlation is not causation!
RT @mackinprof: A new paper out in JAMA (https://t.co/AWuc393snU) puts the spotlight back on cholesterol or eggs. What the authors… https:/…
Ingesta de huevos y enfermedad cardiovascular: Todo en exceso... Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident CVD and Mortality https://t.co/AluLzcAUrh
RT @DrMarthaGulati: Which came first- The #cholesterol or the #egg? Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption associated with higher #heartdis…
RT @DrMarthaGulati: Which came first- The #cholesterol or the #egg? Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption associated with higher #heartdis…
RT @DrMarthaGulati: Which came first- The #cholesterol or the #egg? Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption associated with higher #heartdis…
RT @SimmonsBart: BAN EGGS Now. Eggs are officially the new “cigarette” of our time.....according to a new cohort review study [ https…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @JulioBasulto_DN: Un nuevo estudio relaciona el consumo de huevos con la mortalidad cardiovascular (https://t.co/QAt7dJlSt9). Pero: 1.-…
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
RT @Dr_Khan: Associations of Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality. | #Cardiology | JAM…
Muy importante 👇🏽
Tip from a statistician: just ignore all observational "eating X associated with Y" studies. Food science is the fox news of statistics. Also, the abstract says that the effects of egg consumption "were no longer significant after adjusting for dietary cho
RT @HornintheOzarks: don't eat X. Ok, eat X. don't eat X. Ok, eat X. don't eat X. Ok, eat X. don't eat X. Ok, eat X. don't eat X. Ok, eat X…
RT @JAMA_current: In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CV…
Retweeted while eating my wife’s delicious broccoli rabe/ricotta quiche.
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
Christie here to remind you to never mind the bollocks.
RT @GardnerPhD: New observational study @JAMA concludes eggs & cholesterol associated w/ CVD risk. Study merits aside, caution to confused…
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
RT @PlantDietitian: More evidence that eggs are significantly associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease & all-cause mortality i…
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
RT @maxlugavere: The study shouldn’t cause you to change your diet at all, since correlation is not causation and the conclusion is based o…
New study: https://t.co/SiYonObVEd “ Among US adults, higher consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was significantly associated with higher risk of incident CVD and all-cause mortality in a dose-response... https://t.co/SiYonObVEd
New study: “Among US adults, higher consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was significantly associated with higher risk of incident CVD and all-cause mortality in a dose-response manner.”... https://t.co/SiYonObVEd
RT @LeahHoustonMD: In regards to this story about heart disease, eggs, and cholesterol https://t.co/8yrV2YGOV2 Please watch this: https://…
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
So there is no need to stress about having eggs in your diet, they are an extremely nutritious food (hence why they are called 'nature's multivitamin') - this is also a tiny detail in the bigger picture of healthy diet and lifestyle choices 🔗study link: ht
RT @DrMarthaGulati: Which came first- The #cholesterol or the #egg? Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption associated with higher #heartdis…
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
RT @DrMarthaGulati: Which came first- The #cholesterol or the #egg? Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption associated with higher #heartdis…
Which came first- The #cholesterol or the #egg? Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption associated with higher #heartdisease & Mortality @jama @cardiosmart #ACC19 https://t.co/9ORions9LL
RT @EricTopol: So eggs are bad for your heart and your lifespan, after all? https://t.co/CWx24HTZ9S pulling all the data available, subopti…
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
RT @EconTalker: Why does anyone take this seriously? Seriously. https://t.co/8kmJtSBQFC
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
RT @cragcrest: Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg…
In regards to this story about heart disease, eggs, and cholesterol https://t.co/8yrV2YGOV2 Please watch this: https://t.co/VgjWbNylNh And read this (picture) Jiyo Shin https://t.co/cAlXQZyIxP And please go see a real doctor with any questions. #SoMeDocs
Happy brunch day! About that new headline-grabbing paper that pooled cohort studies of eggs and CVD: https://t.co/2MYC5ypAOg When you pool a bunch of unreliable data you get results that are... unreliable. Why You Can’t Trust What You Read About Nutrition
RT @maxlugavere: The study shouldn’t cause you to change your diet at all, since correlation is not causation and the conclusion is based o…
Great article talking about egg consumption and increased cardiovascular mortality.
RT @vanvlietphd: It is always amazing how results of epidimiological studies, without any sort of mechanistic insight, get thrown around as…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @UAFeartheRoux: These media hypes drive me crazy!! Always head the source of the #science rather than the 30 second sound bite from the…
Eggs are bad, yet again! We need to create a new field —“Nutro-economics”, with decision making algorithms. And a killer app (ahem)! If I’m 90 and eat an egg/day, will I die at 95 vs. 96? What if I replace it with ice cream? What if I’m 30 and vegetarian?
RT @dr_sanjay_singh: #evidence #ebm dietary cholesterol, eggs, cardiovascular disease, mortality, March 2019 https://t.co/Jsu2IQkbKi
RT @JAMA_current: In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CV…
Recent findings in #JAMA and other publications on #diet that includes #Egg consumption: "Better to limit consumption of cholesterol-rich foods to lower the amount of artery-clogging LDL #cholesterol in blood." https://t.co/sorhqMQ7Ha
RT @dr_sanjay_singh: #evidence #ebm dietary cholesterol, eggs, cardiovascular disease, mortality, March 2019 https://t.co/Jsu2IQkbKi
RT @FedFastedFed: @SimmonsBart @DrAseemMalhotra @Dave06031956 It's about pushing dietary guidelines through. See the conclusion ("These res…
RT @dr_sanjay_singh: #evidence #ebm dietary cholesterol, eggs, cardiovascular disease, mortality, March 2019 https://t.co/Jsu2IQkbKi
RT @dr_sanjay_singh: #evidence #ebm dietary cholesterol, eggs, cardiovascular disease, mortality, March 2019 https://t.co/Jsu2IQkbKi
New study in JAMA on Cholesterol and Eggs https://t.co/MNoAWlAm06
RT @maxlugavere: The study shouldn’t cause you to change your diet at all, since correlation is not causation and the conclusion is based o…
RT @carrierd: Which relates to a bigger problem- non-science/nutrition professionals create headlines that further confuse people. Then, as…
These media hypes drive me crazy!! Always head the source of the #science rather than the 30 second sound bite from the media. 🙄🍳
RT @SimmonsBart: BAN EGGS Now. Eggs are officially the new “cigarette” of our time.....according to a new cohort review study [ https…
Associations of Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality. | Cardiology | JAMA | JAMA Network https://t.co/7mj8M8PhPc
It is always amazing how results of epidimiological studies, without any sort of mechanistic insight, get thrown around as ‘proof’. Epidimiology can be great for hypotheses generation that are to be tested in RCTs but not to be used as definitive evidence.
@chriskresser When is this madness going to end? I thought the war on eggs was over ...yet it continues! #Frustrating #AHA #ADA #ACC https://t.co/nrZy6NyivR
RT @SimmonsBart: BAN EGGS Now. Eggs are officially the new “cigarette” of our time.....according to a new cohort review study [ https…
RT @DiscoStew66: Welcome to the world of nutrition in which experts say eggs, which humans have been eating for millennia, cause heart dise…
RT @mackinprof: Limitations "This study has several limitations. First, appropriate interpretation of the study findings requires considera…
RT @yusuke_tsugawa: 最新のJAMAの論文ですが、他の食事や運動の影響を取り除いても、卵の摂取量が多い人ほど心筋梗塞と死亡のリスクが高いと報告されています。6個のコホートを統合した研究です。#究極の食事 Dietary Cholesterol or Egg…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @DiscoStew66: Welcome to the world of nutrition in which experts say eggs, which humans have been eating for millennia, cause heart dise…
RT @DiscoStew66: Welcome to the world of nutrition in which experts say eggs, which humans have been eating for millennia, cause heart dise…
BAN EGGS Now. Eggs are officially the new “cigarette” of our time.....according to a new cohort review study [ https://t.co/lLiqv2Ij6q ]. Eat more cereal! Eat pastries! Eat fruits! Every major media outlet this week ran the bad egg study/story. We
RT @TamarHaspel: So a new study claims that eggs might be bad for you after all. Eggs raise heart disease risk a little. But they raise you…
RT @TamarHaspel: So a new study claims that eggs might be bad for you after all. Eggs raise heart disease risk a little. But they raise you…
Associations of Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality. | Cardiology | JAMA | JAMA Network #heartdisease #plantbased https://t.co/k79EI4RAn2
RT @DiscoStew66: Welcome to the world of nutrition in which experts say eggs, which humans have been eating for millennia, cause heart dise…
RT @JAMA_current: In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CV…
RT @stephshiau: Just ate 2 eggs (and bacon) at the airport.... #thenireadthisthread #epitwitter https://t.co/Kv3KWFqExf
RT @PolatDursun: #canankaratay hergün en az 2 yumurta yiyin diyor, en bilimsel dergilerden olan #jama’da yayınlanan araştırma hergün yenen…
RT @davsrodrigues: Consumo excessivo de colesterol na dieta (mais de 300 mg acima do recomendado ou meio ovo diário) correlaciona-se de for…
RT @JAMA_current: In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CV…
En este estudio conjunto de cohortes de EE. UU., El consumo de colesterol o huevos en la dieta se asoció con un mayor riesgo de ECV incidente y la mortalidad por todas las causas de una manera dosis-respuesta. https://t.co/gZ6Ry0XBvY
Just ate 2 eggs (and bacon) at the airport.... #thenireadthisthread #epitwitter
Eggs. the only food that (some) vegetarians eat and it keeps them healthy is now demonized (again) for being unhealthy. How about the China study? Japan consumes more eggs than anywhere else in the world. In Chinese households the average person eats 300
RT @maxlugavere: The study shouldn’t cause you to change your diet at all, since correlation is not causation and the conclusion is based o…
Firstly this is in adults, secondly its in the US, thirdly its dose dependent, fourthly it says nothing about processed foods, fifthly this study was disproved. Dont make your search tag "Why are eggs bad?"
Wow, @JAMA_current is really upping its game when it comes to perfecting its garbage selection procedure ==> aka peer-review
RT @mackinprof: Limitations "This study has several limitations. First, appropriate interpretation of the study findings requires considera…
JAMA: Among 29 615 adults pooled from 6 prospective cohort studies, each additional half-egg a day was associated with a 6% increased risk of #CVD and an 8% increased risk of early death @JAMA_current #Science #HealthyEating #healthylifestyle #sundpol http
RT @GardnerPhD: New observational study @JAMA concludes eggs & cholesterol associated w/ CVD risk. Study merits aside, caution to confused…
RT @PlantDietitian: More evidence that eggs are significantly associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease & all-cause mortality i…