don't eat X. Ok, eat X. don't eat X. Ok, eat X. don't eat X. Ok, eat X. don't eat X. Ok, eat X. don't eat X. Ok, eat X.
Among US adults, higher consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was significantly associated with higher risk of incident CVD and all-cause mortality in a dose-response manner.
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident CVD and Mortality
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: Adultos que comieron aproximadamente 1½ huevos por día tuvieron un riesgo ligeramente mayor de enfermedad cardíaca que…
RT @PlantDietitian: More evidence that eggs are significantly associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease & all-cause mortality i…
RT @BrendanNyhan: Friends don't let friends take observational nutrition studies at face value (sigh)
@DrMichaelMosley Looks pukka to me
RT @aboutgeology: This egg study is turning into a #scicomm fiasco. Half the stories on Google News right now talk about the risk of 3 eggs…
RT @TamarHaspel: So a new study claims that eggs might be bad for you after all. Eggs raise heart disease risk a little. But they raise you…
RT @aboutgeology: This egg study is turning into a #scicomm fiasco. Half the stories on Google News right now talk about the risk of 3 eggs…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
This egg study is turning into a #scicomm fiasco. Half the stories on Google News right now talk about the risk of 3 eggs a day, the other half say 3 eggs a week. The source paper in JAMA is gobbledygook:
Associations of Egg Consumption with Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality comm:
RT @JAMA_current: In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CV…
RT @TamarHaspel: So a new study claims that eggs might be bad for you after all. Eggs raise heart disease risk a little. But they raise you…
@MohammadAlagouz هذا بحث حديث في أرقى دورية طبية محكــّـمة في العالم، أجري على 30,000 شخص.
RT @calliegavorek: Original peer-reviewed journal article behind all of the #eggs & #heartdisease news articles #RDchat #Eggs #HeartHealth Thoughts?
RT @ChrisMasterjohn: Rather than identify the 1 in 10 people who shouldn’t eat too many eggs let’s just say EVERYONE has a “5%” increase in…
Original peer-reviewed journal article behind all of the #eggs & #heartdisease news articles #RDchat #Eggs #HeartHealth Thoughts?
RT @PlantDietitian: More evidence that eggs are significantly associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease & all-cause mortality i…
RT @PlantDietitian: More evidence that eggs are significantly associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease & all-cause mortality i…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
#canankaratay hergün en az 2 yumurta yiyin diyor, en bilimsel dergilerden olan #jama’da yayınlanan araştırma hergün yenen yumurta sayısı artıkça kalp hastalıklarından ve diğer tüm sebeplerden ölümlerin daha fazla olduğunu gösterdi.
RT @JulioBasulto_DN: Un nuevo estudio relaciona el consumo de huevos con la mortalidad cardiovascular ( Pero: 1.-…
@JAMA_current dropped this Things to consider about 🍳 1. Let's refrain from labeling food as "bad". How can a food be bad when it contains 13 essential vitamins and minerals & high-quality protein? 2. This study contradicts a
In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CVD and all-cause mortality in a dose-response manner.
RT @EricTopol: So eggs are bad for your heart and your lifespan, after all? pulling all the data available, subopti…
Is this the first study in years to point to a correlation? Risk of death up 1% with each additional 1/2 egg. Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident CVD and Mortality
RT @IlindelatorreMD: Adultos que comieron aproximadamente 1½ huevos por día tuvieron un riesgo ligeramente mayor de enfermedad cardíaca que…
RT @TamarHaspel: So a new study claims that eggs might be bad for you after all. Eggs raise heart disease risk a little. But they raise you…
RT @BrendanNyhan: Friends don't let friends take observational nutrition studies at face value (sigh)
RT @mackinprof: A new paper out in JAMA ( puts the spotlight back on cholesterol or eggs. What the authors… https:/…
📌 Before you read anything about this study on the newspapers, remember that epidemiological studies are (mostly) 💩. This paper was recently published and has gained a lot of attention globally.
RT @mackinprof: A new paper out in JAMA ( puts the spotlight back on cholesterol or eggs. What the authors… https:/…
RT @EconTalker: Why does anyone take this seriously? Seriously.
RT @JAMA_current: In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CV…
Бедные те яйца: то ешьте, то не ешьте. Да в меру всё хорошо, в меру.
Dietary #Cholesterol/ #Egg Consumption & Incident #Cardiovascular Disease & Mortality via @JAMA_current Caveats & limitations Still, sensitivity analyses impressive Effects independent of #fat amount or #diet #quality n
Ovo volta a ser vilão novamente. cc @azaghal
RT @dhayniuk: Яйца, как и всё остальное, нужно есть в меру. Каждые съеденные пол-яйца повышают риск смерти от сердечно-сосудистых заболеван…
RT @BrendanNyhan: Friends don't let friends take observational nutrition studies at face value (sigh)
Association Between Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption and Incident CVD and Mortality
.@DrOz Please read the study, since you are a little out of practice. 3 eggs/ week not a day! Big difference doctor or should I say TV personality. If you see a different study, please correct me!
RT @JulioBasulto_DN: Un nuevo estudio relaciona el consumo de huevos con la mortalidad cardiovascular ( Pero: 1.-…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
#SaturdayThoughts #cardiovascular I'm interested in reading this article. Is dietary cholesterol a better risk factor and mesured LDL?
@cardio10s You’re one smart egg 😂
RT @ChrisMasterjohn: Rather than identify the 1 in 10 people who shouldn’t eat too many eggs let’s just say EVERYONE has a “5%” increase in…
Perfect @JAMA_current article to read after burnch! "Each additional half an egg consumed per day was significantly associated with higher risk of incident CVD" Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident CVD and Mortality
RT @PlantDietitian: More evidence that eggs are significantly associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease & all-cause mortality i…
RT @JulioBasulto_DN: Un nuevo estudio relaciona el consumo de huevos con la mortalidad cardiovascular ( Pero: 1.-…
I went 3 decades without eating an egg because so called experts made this same claim back in the 1960s, 70s, 80s. Had 3 eggs for breakfast this morning and may have a couple more by day's end and have been for 4 years now. Fooled me once, shame on me....
RT @BrendanNyhan: Friends don't let friends take observational nutrition studies at face value (sigh)
RT @PlantDietitian: More evidence that eggs are significantly associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease & all-cause mortality i…
RT @mackinprof: A new paper out in JAMA ( puts the spotlight back on cholesterol or eggs. What the authors… https:/…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @mackinprof: A new paper out in JAMA ( puts the spotlight back on cholesterol or eggs. What the authors… https:/…
RT @JAMA_current: In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CV…
RT @PlantDietitian: More evidence that eggs are significantly associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease & all-cause mortality i…
"higher consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was significantly associated with higher risk of incident CVD and all-cause mortality in a dose-response manner"
RT @JulioBasulto_DN: Un nuevo estudio relaciona el consumo de huevos con la mortalidad cardiovascular ( Pero: 1.-…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @BrendanNyhan: Friends don't let friends take observational nutrition studies at face value (sigh)
More evidence that eggs are significantly associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease & all-cause mortality in a dose-response manner: But you can swap eggs in cooking/baking very easily. Try these + tofu & egg re
RT @mackinprof: A new paper out in JAMA ( puts the spotlight back on cholesterol or eggs. What the authors… https:/…
El consumo excesivo de colesterol y/o huevos incrementa el riesgo cardiovascular y la mortalidad
RT @mackinprof: A new paper out in JAMA ( puts the spotlight back on cholesterol or eggs. What the authors… https:/…
RT @JAMA_current: In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CV…
Eggs don’t need bacon and potatoes fried in refined oil. Try a delicious omelette with fresh scallions and parsley.
RT @JAMA_current: In this pooled US cohort study, consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was associated with higher risk of incident CV…
RT @EricTopol: So eggs are bad for your heart and your lifespan, after all? pulling all the data available, subopti…
RT @yusuke_tsugawa: 最新のJAMAの論文ですが、他の食事や運動の影響を取り除いても、卵の摂取量が多い人ほど心筋梗塞と死亡のリスクが高いと報告されています。6個のコホートを統合した研究です。#究極の食事 Dietary Cholesterol or Egg…
RT @Anubiolac: Ahora tenemos que encontrar el gazapo del estudio. Triglicéridos, LDL se incrementaban?. Cambios con IMC?. Ya nos tocan otra…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: Adultos que comieron aproximadamente 1½ huevos por día tuvieron un riesgo ligeramente mayor de enfermedad cardíaca que…
RT @EricTopol: So eggs are bad for your heart and your lifespan, after all? pulling all the data available, subopti…
RT @TamarHaspel: So a new study claims that eggs might be bad for you after all. Eggs raise heart disease risk a little. But they raise you…
RT @YuMingLiou: Is there any “applied statistics” field with so much variation in statistical ability between the best and worst practition…
RT @mackinprof: A new paper out in JAMA ( puts the spotlight back on cholesterol or eggs. What the authors… https:/…
Now that we are controlling for everything, maybe we also control for mental health, heart rate variability, sugar intake, and the list goes on..... oh and then just after doing all of this recommend: don't eat "half" an egg/day?!!! It's all about publicit
RT @EricTopol: So eggs are bad for your heart and your lifespan, after all? pulling all the data available, subopti…
Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident CVD and Mortality
Sigh...thanks for putting this study in perspective Dr. Phillips
RT @EricTopol: So eggs are bad for your heart and your lifespan, after all? pulling all the data available, subopti…
@vnegre4 @WSJ Gracias. Ahí va mi opinión: Un abrazo.
RT @yusuke_tsugawa: 食事中のコレステロールの量で補正すると、卵の摂取量と心筋梗塞・死亡との関係は統計的に有意ではなくなるので、卵の中のコレステロールが原因だと考えられます。#究極の食事
RT @yusuke_tsugawa: 最新のJAMAの論文ですが、他の食事や運動の影響を取り除いても、卵の摂取量が多い人ほど心筋梗塞と死亡のリスクが高いと報告されています。6個のコホートを統合した研究です。#究極の食事 Dietary Cholesterol or Egg…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
RT @cardio10s: The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol cons…
This was an unfortunate read because I regularly consume over 10-12 eggs a week. Will definitely have to cut down now. #biom4180
RT @franktufan: These studies they are pulling are literal dog shit. They are lying and translating relative risk to actual percentages to…
RT @carrierd: Which relates to a bigger problem- non-science/nutrition professionals create headlines that further confuse people. Then, as…
The increased CVD and all-cause mortality of egg consumption is not significant after adjusting for dietary cholesterol consumption. More data that if you’re still eating eggs, apparently the yolk’s on you? Probably not a safe diet
RT @EikoFried: New JAMA paper finds dose-response relationship between eating eggs and all cause mortality. Some limitations mentioned in t…
RT @yusuke_tsugawa: 最新のJAMAの論文ですが、他の食事や運動の影響を取り除いても、卵の摂取量が多い人ほど心筋梗塞と死亡のリスクが高いと報告されています。6個のコホートを統合した研究です。#究極の食事 Dietary Cholesterol or Egg…