@FrankRipainter @mcfunny @RachelBitecofer @EvanAKilgore What did VAERS ignore? VAERs cannot examine risk, there are no controls. A systematic review of trial data showed that 35% of placebo recipients experienced a systemic AE. Are you saying saline cause
@MatthewJDalby One of the examples given is this study of nocebo effects during covid vaccination... which was done right in the midst of a raging pandemic! No mention that at least some AEs in placebo group might have been due to infection itself. http
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
そういえば「mRNAワクチンの副反応はノセボ効果」っていう論文もあったなぁ。偽薬と見分けがつかないレベルなんだとか。HPVワクチンの『害』とやらも、ノセボかもしれんなぁ。 https://t.co/zsdVPEDBOL https://t.co/F7Qnl5LXZg
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
RT @bitacorabeagle: Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañin…
Efecto Nocebo: sustancias inofensivas pueden hacer que las personas se sientan mal si piensan que la sustancia es dañina. La mayoría de los efectos adversos de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 no son causados por la vacuna, sino por el miedo a la vacuna.
RT @G_S_Bhogal: 36. Nocebo Effect: Harmless substances can make people feel ill if they *think* the substance is harmful. According to a re…
Haas JW, Bender FL, Ballou S, et al. Frequency of Adverse Events in the Placebo Arms of COVID-19 Vaccine Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(1):e2143955. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.43955 (https://t.co/0xRFxkAVIf)
@ChinggisFroggJr @SwaledaleMutton @FatherRory @Chainsaw_Wade @cyntiajr @Davethe25219352 @JCmacc1 Where’s the control group? Which of these events doesn’t have a background rate? 35% of placebo recipients experienced an adverse event. in Does this me
@AntibioticDoc Me too, along with a few other assumptions. He assumes temporality is sufficient to infer causation. (It’s required but not sufficient) If this assumption is true, all events that occur in the placebo group are caused by 0.5 ml saline. h
RT @KumaForest: @takeoniisan @studiocorvo その打った人と打たなかった人、計45,380人を調査した論文がここにあるんですけどね、「mRNAワクチン副反応のほとんどは思い込み(ノセボ効果)」ってなってるんですよね https://t.co…
.@RobertKennedyJr when are you retiring? https://t.co/hq2keksT8i https://t.co/nq8Bi3Fbn0
RT @KumaForest: @takeoniisan @studiocorvo その打った人と打たなかった人、計45,380人を調査した論文がここにあるんですけどね、「mRNAワクチン副反応のほとんどは思い込み(ノセボ効果)」ってなってるんですよね https://t.co…
RT @KumaForest: @takeoniisan @studiocorvo その打った人と打たなかった人、計45,380人を調査した論文がここにあるんですけどね、「mRNAワクチン副反応のほとんどは思い込み(ノセボ効果)」ってなってるんですよね https://t.co…
@takeoniisan @studiocorvo その打った人と打たなかった人、計45,380人を調査した論文がここにあるんですけどね、「mRNAワクチン副反応のほとんどは思い込み(ノセボ効果)」ってなってるんですよね https://t.co/zsdVPEDBOL
@appyman @YouWhat1715936 @_APWK_ Meta analysis of 12 different studies on covid vaccines from different pharmaceutical companies all compared against saline placebo https://t.co/yj7kUSkxvN https://t.co/Hxju5dz2HP
@MikeReitan26413 @_APWK_ This meta analysis includes more than a dozen studies comparing multiple pharmaceuticals covid vaxx against saline placebo. https://t.co/yj7kUSkxvN https://t.co/RFAiNd40Cd
@p3out @Quo_vadis_BRD Kochsalz (NaCl 0,9%) 🤷♂️ https://t.co/60hfjCqHBl https://t.co/eMI6T9Da1O
@telakoya @Ecccm2Ecccm ブースター効果 https://t.co/r4IDFaasC2 コロナワクチン副反応の60%以上がノシボー効果 https://t.co/F97x1Yb1k7 妊婦を対象にしたメタアナリシス https://t.co/GhpEh8bulT 帯状疱疹に関するメタアナリシス https://t.co/CODDQccNg8 心筋炎 https://t.co/1uuOxs8C7u
@Ellacoccinera @LaureGonlezamar Un simple placebo peut engendrer des effets secondaires. Il ne doivent pas être négligés lors des essais cliniques rigoureux. https://t.co/RnSryjdiaw
@Ken__kaneki33 Il fonce sur les études scientifiques... https://t.co/Ge8NAXmoP5
@donkey1399 ですね。人に打った以上認めたくないんじゃないんですかね?(陰謀論)苦笑 ただ話を聞いていると論文に https://t.co/jh7bdeRRNd ノセボ効果の話が載っているから、「病は気から」という事で、「患者の為に」回復へのはじめの一歩として、まずは「偽情報」を取り除こう!と善意で動く人もいます。汗
@labsarekindest @glenpyle You mean this comparison. Or the fact that in placebo group 35% experience flu like AE. I wonder if that was actually counted as Covid infections. You know, with the right PCR Ct value you can get anything you aim to. https://t.
@0minus_Prime @gnomeicide @KaiparaPossum @BreezerGalway @HexicanJunglist Also - heard of the nocebo effect? https://t.co/oRh3OfKNtq
@kiiurusi718 @JimiHendrixHata @studiocorvo ただし、そういう呪術的医療が効果が出る場面はあるっちゃあるんですよ。それがいわゆる「プラセボやノセボ」みたいなもので、精神的治療には効果があったりします。 ってことで「ワクチン後遺症はノセボ効果かも」というエビデンスを置いておきますね。お大事に^^ https://t.co/zsdVPEDBOL
@Zaphoid1 @thewhitewolf51 @GamblerRestless @Inigo_Montoya69 @thisisnothappen Thats a good question, because many in placebo group experience AE flu alike. https://t.co/QUObyqQREk https://t.co/65PxhtHWRt
@LuvFotos @JKellergrandma @HopiNg66966500 @DrJBhattacharya @drsimonegold @ZelenkoZev @DrJamesOlsson @P_McCulloughMD @SenShaneJettOK @RobertKennedyJr @RWMaloneMD @ElonMuskAOC @dezzie_rezzie You listen to too much false propaganda. https://t.co/lxMbE0INpl
@timothy_millar @BenIrvineAuthor So ignoring the fact that studies show covid symptoms are reduced in the vaccinated. The arm where the vaccination takes place has an effect on the level of protection. And that there were significant levels of people on
@stopvaccinating "No placebo studies" Are your serious ? https://t.co/C3HLSW1DqR
@drrdwellington @walkthejosh @RyanMarino Some examples: https://t.co/Y8GdzciBhc https://t.co/QBMrBaBN91 https://t.co/MbHe5FPduu Here's a systematic review of placebo trials so you can find 12 references in here: https://t.co/BTPIeFGx1q
@a_nineties "All placebos used were inert saline solutions." 👍 https://t.co/I852eQNEdI
@Questio31810600 In a systematic review of the placebo (saline) arms of the COVID-19 vaccine trials, one-third reported an adverse event. Do you understand why 10% would be meaningless? You need a control group because these events have baseline rates. h
Les effets indésirables sont connus, ils ne sont pas niés. Il faut par contre savoir les relativiser quand ils sont sans conséquences, et ne pas tirer de conclusions hâtives sous prétexte de logique temporelle. Lien vers la méta-analyse : https://t.co/pdNu
RT @JeffShipley77: Pfizer unblinded the placebo group, allowing them to get the shot, therefore corrupting any potential long-term data and…
@PeaceTrain369 @IanCopeland5 @thevivafrei 2/2 - Note that 35% of patients who got Nothing (saline placebo) in COVID vaccine studies reported adverse effects (Nocebo effect). This is why you compare adverse events between a placebo and the tested drug or v
@FreqRevolution @JackStr42679640 https://t.co/rclsDkPLfl Frequency of adverse events in the placebo arms of cov*d 19 vacc*ne trials.
@SomeBunny19 @stopvaccinating 5/5 – As an example of this correlation fallacy inherent in VAERS, over 35% of people who got saline placebo (Nothing) in COVID vaccine studies reported adverse effects. https://t.co/NUQK9188jp
@TimothyNuell @AussieSteve6 @AlexBerenson Post data, not your interpretation of things. I do not care what people self report, or VAERS reports. I want to know who is getting sick enough to go to the hospital, and who is dying. People report adverse effe
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
Elevada incidencia de efecto nocebo (reporte de efectos adversos estando en el grupo placebo) entre vacunados covid, metanálisis: https://t.co/aJf7kfMHdQ
@RobertKennedyJr this Question is for you too, wizard. My recommendation? Shut up and pay your damned taxes. Stay out of the #TrumpCoalition THe Don has a cript with your name on it.
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @JeffShipley77: Pfizer unblinded the placebo group, allowing them to get the shot, therefore corrupting any potential long-term data and…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @JeffShipley77: Pfizer unblinded the placebo group, allowing them to get the shot, therefore corrupting any potential long-term data and…
Copeland is a bullshitter extraordinaire. However, he can't even answer a simple question about placebo lot numbers and lot dates.
Pfizer unblinded the placebo group, allowing them to get the shot, therefore corrupting any potential long-term data and analysis. Astounding level of arrogance/ignorance among these propagandists.
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
Yes, it says "in the Placebo Arms of COVID-19 Vaccine Trials".
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
Ian is again bringing attention to the virology and vaccine charade. The Pfizer covid vaccine trials were finished after a month when they gave everyone in the trial the mRNA shot. There is no study of placebo group other than the very healthy and not dyin
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
The Control Group is the Un-jabbed. I am one of millions. My good friend, Jan K, did not get Jabbed, but serious ill, Late 2021. What happened? There was NO VIRUS. He got radiation poisoned by 4G+ and 5G. He lives in a city full of strong 5G antennas. Lesn
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…
RT @IanCopeland5: Riddle me this antivaxers, if mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 didn't have a placebo group, then how is there an entire meta…