人種/民族によるCOVID-19有病率の違いを考慮して、人種/民族に関する情報は参加者が選択した分類に基づき、研究者が収集しました。 https://t.co/YKNm43eTRh
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/xRzVcNzvNM
Analysis identified considerable disparities in the prevalence of #COVID19 across racial/ethnic subgroups of the population in 12 US states https://t.co/UzHRriknPC
Blacks and Hispanics continue to make up disproportionate number of hospitalizations. @KP_CommunityMed Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/NMGIgL0xEq via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 US States https://t.co/bkzhLAzrqy via @SamSen4 et al
RT @pkmandic: 1/9 Our new study in @JAMAInternalMedicine highlights important racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations @Arche…
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States | Are differences disease, discrimination, cultural, coverage or what? https://t.co/7mvg2OaAmZ https://t.co/m2mRIMJm8W
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/5X3Y3vSbxJ via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/ICW0ySxFRk a través de @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
RT @LiverWife: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/JWFW4yrpDj via @JAMAInternalMed part of…
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/JWFW4yrpDj via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Analysis identified considerable disparities in the prevalence of #COVID19 across racial/ethnic subgroups of the popul…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Analysis identified considerable disparities in the prevalence of #COVID19 across racial/ethnic subgroups of the popul…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Analysis identified considerable disparities in the prevalence of #COVID19 across racial/ethnic subgroups of the popul…
Analysis identified considerable disparities in the prevalence of #COVID19 across racial/ethnic subgroups of the population in 12 US states https://t.co/AucqgbvjBV
RT @RegaCarlos: El COVID19 ataca más gravemente a las minorías negra e hispana en USA. Causa, la POBREZA. El riesgo de negros e hispanos es…
RT @PIPSQC: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/1rVOMALEX1 #meded #medtwitter #coronavir…
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/1rVOMALEX1 #meded #medtwitter #coronavirus #pandemic #covid19
RT @the_etheropian: Share of #COVID19 hospitalizations compared to share of state population was: -Smaller for white ppl in 12/12 states -L…
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/2eofrzN4lZ via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
People from racial and ethnic minority groups in the U.S. are continuing to face the brunt of the #COVID19 #pandemic, new research shows: https://t.co/bGqZlJLjcw Read on SWHR's blog about the impact of the pandemic on women of color: https://t.co/6tIpwuFE
A JAMA Internal Medicine analysis of #COVID19 hospitalizations found that in all 12 states studied, the percentage of hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded their population representation. https://t.co/XE9mNGjKBi
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @SaskiaPopescu: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity. “Only 12 of 50 US states have consistently reported hospitali…
RT @hhask: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/Mf1RtNvBw9 via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAM…
RT @CarlosdelRio7: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity https://t.co/lB3LRsJEFG @JAMAInternalMed The share of hospital…
RT @CarlosdelRio7: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity https://t.co/lB3LRsJEFG @JAMAInternalMed The share of hospital…
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity https://t.co/lB3LRsJEFG @JAMAInternalMed The share of hospitalizations of white patients was ⬇️ than the corresponding share of the states' populations, and the share of among Black and Hispanic pat
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/Mf1RtNvBw9 via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
#COVID19 continues to disproportionately affect people of color, exacerbating deep-seated health disparities. @JAMAInternalMed breaks down hospitalization rates by race in 12 states: https://t.co/ZO6KB3lID8
RT @SaskiaPopescu: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity. “Only 12 of 50 US states have consistently reported hospitali…
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/cCk4gZKtQ0 via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
El COVID19 ataca más gravemente a las minorías negra e hispana en USA. Causa, la POBREZA. El riesgo de negros e hispanos es x5 a 6‼️ más que los blancos. https://t.co/smFM7Ce9fV
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/G52OqGjKti
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @JAMANetwork: Published in @JAMAInternalMed
Here is my thread describing our findings https://t.co/PzPM2PZP8F
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @JAMANetwork: Published in @JAMAInternalMed https://t.co/cPKK7zY0Bg
Studies point to #COVID #disparities in hospitalizations (@JAMAInternalMed) and workplaces (@CDCMMWR). https://t.co/D1Kaq5C08o & https://t.co/jJ4GCN3IAG
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
Published in @JAMAInternalMed
STAT news: "In a study of Covid-19 hospitalizations in 12 states...in all the states, the percent of hospitalized patients who were Black exceeded the percent of the state's residents who were Black." Study abstract: https://t.co/sGK3Ml5x9x #BIPOChealthmat
According to an assessment of COVID-19 hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 states, "Black patients exceeded the percentage of their representative proportion of the state population in all 12 states." Read more in @JAMA_current: https://t.co/qUluAFR
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @the_etheropian: Share of #COVID19 hospitalizations compared to share of state population was: -Smaller for white ppl in 12/12 states -L…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
Share of #COVID19 hospitalizations compared to share of state population was: -Smaller for white ppl in 12/12 states -Larger for Black ppl in 12/12 and Hispanic ppl in 10/11 -Smaller for Asians in 6/10 -Only 8 states reported on American Indian/Alaskan Nat
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
RT @UREssien: "...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 state…
"...hospitalizations among Black patients exceeded the percentage of their proportion of the state population in all 12 states. In 10 states, the percentage of hospitalizations for Hispanic patients was ⬆️ than their proportion of the state population." ht
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States #healthequity #covid19 https://t.co/V6t3cRVojp
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/mVYI2AlLrr
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States | Critical Care Medicine | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network https://t.co/XxNIh907Li
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/nzTBDMVZN4
RT @SaskiaPopescu: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity. “Only 12 of 50 US states have consistently reported hospitali…
RT @SaskiaPopescu: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity. “Only 12 of 50 US states have consistently reported hospitali…
RT @SaskiaPopescu: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity. “Only 12 of 50 US states have consistently reported hospitali…
RT @SaskiaPopescu: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity. “Only 12 of 50 US states have consistently reported hospitali…
RT @SaskiaPopescu: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity. “Only 12 of 50 US states have consistently reported hospitali…
RT @SaskiaPopescu: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity. “Only 12 of 50 US states have consistently reported hospitali…
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity. “Only 12 of 50 US states have consistently reported hospitalizations by race/ethnicity during our study period.” @JAMANetwork https://t.co/NAsAlpW9s7
RT @pkmandic: 1/9 Our new study in @JAMAInternalMedicine highlights important racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations @Arche…
Black, Hispanic, American Indian and Alaskan Native populations in the #US are significantly more likely to be hospitalized due to #COVID19 than whites. (JAMA Internal Medicine, 17 August 2020) #coronavirus #race Source: https://t.co/zJzybK6NUf https://t.
RT @pkmandic: 1/9 Our new study in @JAMAInternalMedicine highlights important racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations @Arche…
RT @pkmandic: 1/9 Our new study in @JAMAInternalMedicine highlights important racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations @Arche…
RT @mollyjeffery: Important insights on race/ethnicity and COVID-19 hospitalizations. Thank goodness these data are being collected and ana…
RT @pkmandic: 1/9 Our new study in @JAMAInternalMedicine highlights important racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations @Arche…
Rates of hospitalization with #COVID are 10-35% lower for whites vs other races/ethnicities: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States https://t.co/9wzrKVLSTv via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
RT @DrMamaKai: Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States | Critical Care Medicine | JAMA Internal Medicine |…
Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States | Critical Care Medicine | JAMA Internal Medicine | @JAMAInternalMed @JAMANetwork @CritCareMed @NIMHD @MinorityHealth #CoronaVirusUpdates https://t.co/cAu8pbZOru
New JAMA study finds same pattern of racial and ethic disparities in hospitalizations for COVID-19 across 12 states. Glad to see CNN covering it. https://t.co/Iev3Hl0i2O
RT @pkmandic: 1/9 Our new study in @JAMAInternalMedicine highlights important racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations @Arche…
RT @mollyjeffery: Important insights on race/ethnicity and COVID-19 hospitalizations. Thank goodness these data are being collected and ana…
Important insights on race/ethnicity and COVID-19 hospitalizations. Thank goodness these data are being collected and analyzed.
New study on #COVID hospitalization rates. "In 12/12 states, the proportion of hospitalizations for Blacks is higher than their representation in the pop. The exact opposite is true for Whites. Similar results for the Hispanic pop, and in select states fo
Huge congratulations to @pkmandic @ArchelleMD and @SamSen4 on their new @JAMAInternalMed article on racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations!
RT @pkmandic: 1/9 Our new study in @JAMAInternalMedicine highlights important racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations @Arche…