Is there a link between thunderstorms and an increase in ER visits?
Medical News Today,
A new study has found an association between thunderstorms and an increase in the number of older adults seeking emergency care…
A new study has found an association between thunderstorms and an increase in the number of older adults seeking emergency care…
Analyzing data from Medicare and the National Weather Service confirms that more people, particularly older people with…
Ukkonen voi aiheuttaa myös päänsärkyä. Milloin päänsärystä pitäisi huolestua? Astmaa tai muita hengitystiesairauksia potevat…
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Geriatrics for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Allergy for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Infectious Disease for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pediatrics for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Neurology for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Dermatology for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pharmacy for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in OBGYN
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pathology for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Psychiatry for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Diabetes
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Geriatrics for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Ophthalmology for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pulmonology for August 2020.
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Critical Care for August 2020.
The number of older Americans who go to a hospital emergency room for breathing difficulties related to asthma and chronic…
Harvard researchers wanted to see if increases in emergency department visits for respiratory illnesses among older adults…
Lääkärit ovat pitkään ihmetelleet, miksi päivystyksiin hakeutuu ennen rajua ukonilmaa hoitoon tavallista enemmän potilaita…
Er du redd torden, eller føler du at du kan kjenne det på kroppen når det er dårlig vær i vente? Noen mennesker hevder å kunne «k…
Lääkärit ovat pitkään ihmetelleet, miksi päivystyksiin hakeutuu ennen rajua ukonilmaa hoitoon tavallista enemmän potilaita…
Niektórzy ludzie odczuwają silny niepokój przed zbliżającą się burzą. Nie chodzi o osoby cierpiące na brontofobię, czyli…
Für viele Menschen bringen Gewitter die Erlösung von einer Hitzewelle – aber nicht für alle.
Anyone can publish on Medium per our Policies, but we don’t fact-check every story.
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Para penderita penyakit asma tampaknya harus waspada saat musim hujan badai melanda.
Latest MedicineNet News By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 2020 (HealthDay News) Global warming may ultimately…
Besonders bei Älteren Am Tag vor einem Gewitter häufen sich Atemwegsnotfälle bei älteren Menschen, insbesondere bei Asthma- und…
《美国医学会内科学》(JAMA)杂志8月10日发布的一项研究对比了医保数据和雷暴之间的联系。研究人员发现,在雷暴天气前夕,哮喘和慢阻肺等呼吸病急诊患者人数明显增加。 过去几十年,有多项研究发现雷暴来临前的几天呼吸系统疾病发病率上升:1983年,一项来自英国的…
Fact: 25 million Americans have asthma. And while this respiratory condition is even more worrisome right now, in the midst of…
Fact: 25 million Americans have asthma. And while this respiratory condition is even more worrisome right now, in the midst of…
View photos New research published in JAMA Internal Medicine Monday says thunderstorms can trigger severe asthma attacks.
This transcript has been edited for clarity. Welcome to Impact Factor, your weekly dose of commentary on a new medical study.
kmpkt Gewitter-Asthma Gibt es doch Wetterfühligkeit? Stand: 04:40 Uhr | Lesedauer: 3 Minuten Ob und wie das Wetter unser…
A team of researchers from the University of Oregon, Harvard Medical School, and the University of Illinois has found evidence…
Emergency respiratory care visits increase among older Medicare beneficiaries in the days surrounding a thunderstorm, according…
By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Global warming may ultimately rain on everyone's…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Lightning cracks through the sky over El Dorado County in the early morning of Monday, July 23, 2012.
August 11, 2020 01:46 PM Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Lightning cracks through the sky over El Dorado County in the early morning of Monday, July 23, 2012.
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Lightning cracks through the sky over El Dorado County in the early morning of Monday, July 23, 2012.
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Thunderstorms are linked with an average of 3,700 emergency department (ED) visits annually in the U.S.
Category: Family Medicine | Geriatrics | Internal Medicine | Allergy | Emergency Medicine | Pulmonology | Journal Emergency…
Category: Family Medicine | Geriatrics | Pulmonology | Asthma | Preventive Medicine | News HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Aug.
- Tuesday, August 11th, 2020 Print |Email Emergency room visits involving respiratory illness jumped the day before a…
Thunderstorms are linked with an average of 3,700 emergency department (ED) visits annually in the U.S.
TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Global warming may ultimately rain on everyone's parade, but new research suggests…
TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Emergency department visits for acute respiratory illness among Medicare…
Credit: CC0 Public Domain A team of researchers from the University of Oregon, Harvard Medical School, and the University of…
Si vous êtes asthmatique, vous avez peut-être fait une crise plus sévère que d'habitude quelques jours avant un orage.
Tout comme les personnes qui voient la douleur de leur arthrose s’intensifier par temps humide, les asthmatiques peuvent aussi…
TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 2020 -- Global warming may ultimately rain on everyone's parade, but new research suggests that major…
TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 2020 -- Emergency department visits for acute respiratory illness among Medicare beneficiaries significantly…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Проанализировав медицинскую статистику госпитализаций за 14 лет, исследователи обнаружили, что в те дни, когда погода была грозов…
A new study out today might provide the strongest evidence yet that thunderstorms can worsen certain health conditions.
Сопоставив метеорологические данные с медицинской статистикой, американские ученые подтвердили слухи о том, что грозы повышают ри…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
Older adults suffering from common chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma should take extra precautions when conditions…
(CNN) — The calm before the storm isn't really so calm, at least not for anyone with asthma or other severe breathing disorders…
Las imágenes de películas de terror o de suspenso generalmente suelen estar acompañadas de días oscuros, nubosos y con…
What The Study Did: Researchers used atmospheric and lightning data for all counties in the continental United States from 1999…
The calm before the storm isn't really so calm, at least not for anyone with asthma or other severe breathing disorders, new…
For some people, it’s the calm before the storm that causes them distress during rough weather seasons.
Aug. 10 (UPI) — Thunderstorms are associated with an average of more than 3,000 additional emergency room visits annually among…
2 min read Source/Disclosures Disclosures: Zou reports no relevant financial disclosures.
Aug. 10 (UPI) -- Thunderstorms are associated with an average of more than 3,000 additional emergency room visits annually…
The calm before the storm isn’t really so calm, at least not for anyone with asthma or other severe breathing disorders, new…
(CNN)The calm before the storm isn't really so calm, at least not for anyone with asthma or other severe breathing disorders… During the days before a major…
(CNN) -- The calm before the storm isn't really so calm, at least not for anyone with asthma or other severe breathing disorders…
(CNN) -- The calm before the storm isn't really so calm, at least not for anyone with asthma or other severe breathing disorders…
(CNN) -- The calm before the storm isn't really so calm, at least not for anyone with asthma or other severe breathing disorders…
(CNN) -- The calm before the storm isn't really so calm, at least not for anyone with asthma or other severe breathing disorders…