Commentary: Much work is still required to examine the complex association between dietary supplements and semen quality and to determine whether such an association could help to improve fecundity and the results of assisted reproductive techniques. https
RT @JAMANetworkOpen: Commentary: Much work is still required to examine the complex association between dietary supplements and semen quali…
RT @JAMANetworkOpen: #OpenAcess content from the @JAMANetwork
#OpenAcess content from the @JAMANetwork
More Evidence of the Association of Diet With Human Spermatogenesis Function
@norabar @lsqui @JorgeBalmelli @EGudynas @frascafrasca @danielfigares Los suplementos de aceite de pescado mejoran la calidad del esperma en hombres jóvenes. Este es el primer estudio bien diseñado de una población general e incluye individuos sanos. . ht
(JAMA) Nueva evidencia de la asociación entre dieta y función testicular en humanos. Suplemento con aceite de pescado Editorial Est Observ
RT @JAMANetworkOpen: Commentary: Much work is still required to examine the complex association between dietary supplements and semen quali…
Commentary: Much work is still required to examine the complex association between dietary supplements and semen quality and to determine whether such an association could help to improve fecundity and the results of assisted reproductive techniques. https
RT @albertsalash: More Evidence of the Association of Diet With Human Spermatogenesis Function
More Evidence of the Association of Diet With Human Spermatogenesis Function