RT @TR401: “The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years for men and 10.1 years for women…
RT @TR401: “The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years for men and 10.1 years for women…
RT @MPenikas: @gabriel_zucman @a_manconi Private (non universal) insurance-based health care means income affects outcome https://t.co/dwwc…
RT @TR401: “The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years for men and 10.1 years for women…
RT @TR401: “The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years for men and 10.1 years for women…
“The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years for men and 10.1 years for women.”
RT @MPenikas: @gabriel_zucman @a_manconi Private (non universal) insurance-based health care means income affects outcome https://t.co/dwwc…
RT @MPenikas: @gabriel_zucman @a_manconi Private (non universal) insurance-based health care means income affects outcome https://t.co/dwwc…
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
RT @MPenikas: @gabriel_zucman @a_manconi Private (non universal) insurance-based health care means income affects outcome https://t.co/dwwc…
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
@gabriel_zucman @a_manconi Private (non universal) insurance-based health care means income affects outcome https://t.co/dwwcwrgKTd
@madras_bertha @jasndoc These associations aren't evenly distributed, either: https://t.co/uLEZ3q8FPy Prioritizing public and private spending on health technologies seems regressive in this light. I would give a lot of that money to lower SES families (
Never “romanticize” poverty.
RT @biomatushiq: I would really wonder if such huge difference would be seen in Europe with a quite different approach to healthcare system…
I would really wonder if such huge difference would be seen in Europe with a quite different approach to healthcare system.
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
Wow! That's increadible!
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
Get rich or die tryin’
RT @SatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men.…
Keeping eyes on our health. #fbSatchinPanda: Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men. great article by Raj Chetty in JAMA_current https://t.co/kQRX5rgRVq https://t.co/eAwmFdLi
Every percentile increase in household income adds to how long we live - roughly 36 days for women and 55 days for men. great article by Raj Chetty in @JAMA_current https://t.co/9993VsdXSv https://t.co/ptBlgkEZE5
The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014 | Health Disparities | JAMA | JAMA Network https://t.co/Jnq8gaad4f
RT @drandrewb: .@Cutler_econ: biggest differences in life expectancy attributed to behaviours +social factors Why are people more likely…
RT @njsaul: Income matters: “The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years.” The Associati…
Income matters: “The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years.” The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014 | Health Disparities | JAMA | JAMA Network https://t.co/SLb
RT @lindsaykosh: @BernieSanders: The life expectancy difference between poor and rich in this country is 15 years. Fact check: Partly true.…
@BernieSanders: The life expectancy difference between poor and rich in this country is 15 years. Fact check: Partly true. The difference between top 1% and bottom 1% was 14.6 years for men, and 10.1 years for women. https://t.co/pzBk7z6sUq
RT @drandrewb: .@Cutler_econ: biggest differences in life expectancy attributed to behaviours +social factors Why are people more likely…
RT @drandrewb: .@Cutler_econ: biggest differences in life expectancy attributed to behaviours +social factors Why are people more likely…
RT @drandrewb: .@Cutler_econ: biggest differences in life expectancy attributed to behaviours +social factors Why are people more likely…
.@Cutler_econ: biggest differences in life expectancy attributed to behaviours +social factors Why are people more likely to smoke in different states? instant classic @JAMA_current paper on income+ life expectancy: https://t.co/KjT2s2aZ7m @afrakt @ashi
@RogueRad @ProfKEPickett @davidjbuck @felly500 @SteveLaitner @skathire @jappleby123 @aaronecarroll @ProfRGWilkinson @JAMA_current Here's the paper Kate https://t.co/NE3UUyCdX0 via @BenScuderi et al
@ProfKEPickett @davidjbuck @pash22 @felly500 @SteveLaitner @skathire @jappleby123 @aaronecarroll @ProfRGWilkinson Interested in all of your thoughts on this paper https://t.co/emFXwvsXOG Specifically the conclusion I have highlighted (most of it comports w
@Laura_J_Samuel, an amazing colleague, tackling the effect of #incomeinequality and #financialstress on our #Health . Thank you for your important work! @JHUNursing
RT @Laura_J_Samuel: Remarkably, the disparity in Norway is about the same as the US disparity, suggesting that health care access isn't eno…
Remarkably, the disparity in Norway is about the same as the US disparity, suggesting that health care access isn't enough - we need to tackle root causes of the income disparity #healthequity #incomeinequality https://t.co/fYungVMiAQ
@dtmaust .Thanks for sharing D! Of course reminiscent of Raj Chetty’s work showing association of income w/life expectancy in the US, which they cite @JAMA_current: https://t.co/xceB6hsVoL
RT @drjohnmorley: Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/drMbf1A1Yw
RT @drjohnmorley: Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/drMbf1A1Yw
RT @drjohnmorley: Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/drMbf1A1Yw
RT @drjohnmorley: Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/drMbf1A1Yw
RT @drjohnmorley: Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/drMbf1A1Yw
Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/drMbf1A1Yw
RT @drjseitz: "The research reinforces the evidence of a strong, if not deterministic relationship between one’s community and health outco…
"The research reinforces the evidence of a strong, if not deterministic relationship between one’s community and health outcomes, further supporting the notion that an individual’s ZIP code can be more predictive of health than their genetic code." https:/
RT @lancegravlee: The gap in life expectancy between the richest and poorest Americans continues to grow. https://t.co/M6DZ9vPrFb
And this. We need to be on the same page on these issues. If politicians wish to speak to the poor, they need to be educated on such things https://t.co/ngb86wcGLN
RT @lancegravlee: The gap in life expectancy between the richest and poorest Americans continues to grow. https://t.co/M6DZ9vPrFb
RT @lancegravlee: The gap in life expectancy between the richest and poorest Americans continues to grow. https://t.co/M6DZ9vPrFb
RT @lancegravlee: The gap in life expectancy between the richest and poorest Americans continues to grow. https://t.co/M6DZ9vPrFb
@IronEconomist Righty-ho, here we go: "First, life expectancy increased continuously with income. There was no dividing line above or below which higher income was not associated with higher life expectancy." https://t.co/TC8pP8NLhr
@SpaceLauren Raises interesting questions. Aside from wealth disparities (which we know significantly impact life expectancy), what else is contributing to that gap? Reminds me of this study, but would be tricky to study at micro neighborhood level. https:
had never seen this data before: expected age at death for 40 year olds, by income percentile. making 115k instead of 25k gets you 8 extra years of life. also crazy that additional income at the top end keeps buying you time https://t.co/xsHNfjrU0b https:/
@mattyglesias But not with whites with higher income: https://t.co/0KTs6B2nPN
@MidSentryModern @HernandezMA5 @Martina https://t.co/7csRapRUE3 I added some lines - so it lookes like my initial guestimate of 15% is not that far off. https://t.co/XRNmOwC3rU
Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/oCekaLyNDi
Genetic inequality has been a thing since the 30's. Those who make more $$$ live longer. Wild. https://t.co/MY88hQmB9H https://t.co/KUu0ia7hwo
所得格差が健康問題をひきこしているのか、それとも低収入が問題なのか、は分けて考える必要がありそうですねぇ。確かにジニ係数と死亡リスクは弱い相関関係にあるけれどhttps://t.co/IOzNXeY2C4、収入と死亡リスクのほうが明確な相関性がみられる。 https://t.co/6Gnxr6gBN9
The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014. - PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/7bnViP2pQH
RT @DukeForge: Just FYI, @JAMA_current has corralled this and other interesting material on US health disparities into a single portal: htt…
RT @DukeForge: Just FYI, @JAMA_current has corralled this and other interesting material on US health disparities into a single portal: htt…
RT @DukeForge: Just FYI, @JAMA_current has corralled this and other interesting material on US health disparities into a single portal: htt…
RT @DukeForge: Just FYI, @JAMA_current has corralled this and other interesting material on US health disparities into a single portal: htt…
RT @WaltFrench: A key understanding: US 1%ers get a large share of the income growth, and enjoy better life expectancy rise; while a large…
RT @WaltFrench: A key understanding: US 1%ers get a large share of the income growth, and enjoy better life expectancy rise; while a large…
A key understanding: US 1%ers get a large share of the income growth, and enjoy better life expectancy rise; while a large share of the US have stagnant incomes and both lower and little-improved life expectancy https://t.co/fBqUO2j7vj Our economy only wo
RT @DukeForge: Just FYI, @JAMA_current has corralled this and other interesting material on US health disparities into a single portal: htt…
Just FYI, @JAMA_current has corralled this and other interesting material on US health disparities into a single portal: https://t.co/wyeNyNY24Z. This paper @JAMAInternalMed by Dwyer-Lindgren et al is also worth a look: https://t.co/8KVUVB9sAS
The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014 (2016) https://t.co/HJnw8pi8mu
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @PabloRichly: Meritocracia sanitaria: las personas más pobres pueden vivir hasta 15 años menos en promedio que las más ricas. https://t.…
RT @PabloRichly: Meritocracia sanitaria: las personas más pobres pueden vivir hasta 15 años menos en promedio que las más ricas. https://t.…
Income inequality is killing millions of Indians. The rich-poor gap is muchmore here.
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @PabloRichly: Meritocracia sanitaria: las personas más pobres pueden vivir hasta 15 años menos en promedio que las más ricas. https://t.…
RT @PabloRichly: Meritocracia sanitaria: las personas más pobres pueden vivir hasta 15 años menos en promedio que las más ricas. https://t.…
RT @PabloRichly: Meritocracia sanitaria: las personas más pobres pueden vivir hasta 15 años menos en promedio que las más ricas. https://t.…
RT @PabloRichly: Meritocracia sanitaria: las personas más pobres pueden vivir hasta 15 años menos en promedio que las más ricas. https://t.…
Meritocracia sanitaria: las personas más pobres pueden vivir hasta 15 años menos en promedio que las más ricas. https://t.co/yximIJMQau https://t.co/zHfoll1AGa
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…
RT @davechokshi: Economic inequality is increasingly linked to disparities in life expectancy across the income distribution, and these dis…