@bc_skelly @reason It’s facile to use aggregates to paper over inequality. Look it’s not like I’ve never heard Of Emile Coue, I’d love to pretend a rising tide lifts all boats, but there are a lot of people drowning in steerage, and their lives are nasty,
@A_Schwa In terms of establishing “facts on the ground” that make us worry about equity, I like to use the Chetty JAMA paper on income and life expectancy. https://t.co/sR4VWptTpx
RT @scottlgreer: The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001–2014 https://t.co/mcxablksyJ
RT @scottlgreer: The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001–2014 https://t.co/mcxablksyJ
The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years (95% CI, 14.4 to 14.8 years) for men and 10.1 years (95% CI, 9.9 to 10.3 years) for women. Second, inequality in life expectancy increased over time. https://t
@BraddrofliT For males, the life expectancy at birth was 75.1 – a decline of 1.2 years from 2019. If you are well off, you might get to see the kids grow up? If you are poor, don't count on it. https://t.co/dr1FaUc3tV
@christeos_pir "The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years (95% CI, 14.4 to 14.8 years) for men and 10.1 years (95% CI, 9.9 to 10.3 years) for women." Source: https://t.co/LX5LgO8p1y
@Breedlove22 All the money might buy you 14 years of life if you're in the poorest 1%! https://t.co/D8YziyutRr
RT @mfranco_uah: Desigualdades económicas y desigualdades en salud en EE.UU. Terrific article and video by @OppInsights and @DeatonAngus…
RT @mfranco_uah: Desigualdades económicas y desigualdades en salud en EE.UU. Terrific article and video by @OppInsights and @DeatonAngus…
Desigualdades económicas y desigualdades en salud en EE.UU. Terrific article and video by @OppInsights and @DeatonAngus https://t.co/Yfpwj8Acca https://t.co/YSEGIg0jFF
RT @commieleejones: JAMA, 2016: “In the United States between 2001 and 2014, higher income was associated with greater longevity, and diffe…
JAMA, 2016: “In the United States between 2001 and 2014, higher income was associated with greater longevity, and differences in life expectancy across income groups increased over time.” https://t.co/cbFWtlE4ip
@DevynsGotIt @trylavida "The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years (95% CI, 14.4 to 14.8 years) for men and 10.1 years (95% CI, 9.9 to 10.3 years) for women." https://t.co/9L714OP02j
RT @CNguyenEc: #US life expectancies for 40-year old men by their rank in the national income distribution, fairly close to the average lif…
#US life expectancies for 40-year old men by their rank in the national income distribution, fairly close to the average life expectancy in #Sudan for bottom 1% in the US https://t.co/2K6nB9Pqln https://t.co/nYVmWImbZL
RT @skawinski_marek: 6/n Podobnie badanie Chetty'ego i in. opierało się na ok. 1,4 mld deklaracji podatkowych połączonych z informacjami o…
6/n Podobnie badanie Chetty'ego i in. opierało się na ok. 1,4 mld deklaracji podatkowych połączonych z informacjami o zgonach z SSA. Źródła: wpływ rozszerzenia Medicaid (https://t.co/97zenJnzHg) oraz dochód a oczekiwana długość życia (https://t.co/07rdJgW9
@DuncanMcCNZ @ArbyHyde @nzlabour An incredibly complex issue, a single number is completely infeasible. There are studies on individual factors in NZ (such as child unintentional injury: https://t.co/DcT8OB8T74), and on life expectancy internationally (htt
“The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years for men and 10.1 years for women.” Imagine not having access to 14 extra years of your life because you aren’t rich. https://t.co/WwNcBDHmQG
“格差そのものが貧困層の健康によい影響を与えているのではなく、同じ地域にお金持ちがいることで財源が潤沢になり、インフラの整備や富の再分配を行うことができるようになり、その地域に住む貧困層の健康によい影響を与えていると考えられます。(https://t.co/fYldJjx7tz )” https://t.co/dn3En7qEMW
RT @alain_dagher: ...this paper shows that the greatest contributors to health inequality in the US are smoking and obesity. The mechanisms…
...this paper shows that the greatest contributors to health inequality in the US are smoking and obesity. The mechanisms are multifactorial and complex, but the bottom line is still that the food environment is a good target for improving public health. h
On a similar note, and particularly salient after the past couple of years, there are data-driven careers in things like public health, public policy, and epidemiology. Demographics like wealth and race have huge impacts on health: https://t.co/FLkqDsjYi1
*sigh* yes, if you have 1.4 billion observations of income in a population-wide panel you have *almost* enough data to measure differences in mortality risk across a 25 year piece of the life course! https://t.co/lDyVeNr4Wz
📑 The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014: https://t.co/fEwzdf08h0 "First, higher income was associated with greater longevity throughout the income distribution. The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1%
RT @JerryBuchko: 📄 The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014: https://t.co/fEwzdf08h0 #FinancialI…
@nytopinion @nytdavidbrooks I realize this is an opinion piece, but this is not a matter of opinion. Source: https://t.co/dPLpKX4OEM)%20for%20women. https://t.co/aQYmnyETWt
RT @swrighteconomy: @TheKouk The US is a really interesting case ... there's a 14 year gap in the lifespan of the richest 1% of males and p…
RT @swrighteconomy: @TheKouk The US is a really interesting case ... there's a 14 year gap in the lifespan of the richest 1% of males and p…
RT @swrighteconomy: @TheKouk The US is a really interesting case ... there's a 14 year gap in the lifespan of the richest 1% of males and p…
@TheKouk The US is a really interesting case ... there's a 14 year gap in the lifespan of the richest 1% of males and poorest 1%, and a 10 year gap between rich/poor women ... https://t.co/7O2X2bnn3x
RT @MechaDenny: This is the crux of it: Life expectancy is a function of how much money you make. There will never be a solution to this…
@NumbZombieMom @GovInslee We have an incredibly high standard of living because of a good economy, which directly relates to longer expected lifespans. Killing the economy will cut lives short on a measurable, macro scale. https://t.co/waIm5ODVqO
「収入と寿命の関係」は、頭打ちは生じないのか。 (200万ドルまで寿命は直線的に延びている) 「収入と幸福度」はまた少し違う曲線だが。 https://t.co/2OmuJKE1KT
📄 The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014: https://t.co/fEwzdf08h0 #FinancialInclusion #EconLit #PovertyNow https://t.co/us3UjKzLst
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
On that life expectancy thing: if you're *rich* in America, you'll live as long or longer than the average in those other countries. Poorest men in USA = 72.7 years Richest men in USA = 87.3 years https://t.co/yFRteLuoYQ https://t.co/g6y5kj6IR9
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @RodrigooGon: En 🇺🇾 a veces se discute el subsidio de hombres a mujeres implícito en las tablas de mortalidad unisex que utiliza el Banc…
En 🇺🇾 a veces se discute el subsidio de hombres a mujeres implícito en las tablas de mortalidad unisex que utiliza el Banco de Seguros para calcular la jubilación por el régimen mixto. Hombres viven menos y mujeres más, pero dados ahorro y edad, ambos c
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
RT @smilleralert: @paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 ye…
@paulgp Conditional on surviving until age 40, a man at the top of the income distribution can expect to live about 15 years longer than a man at the bottom of the income distribution (about 10 years for women) https://t.co/BxOeFDHlxs
https://t.co/M3kBVXrTDw Okay pal
@bitcoin_brown @eA3jk497nK2A0y On average rich people live longer so in that aspect wealth is literally health. https://t.co/leCVZgA8z0
@PaulaDee63 @SenSanders bernie is dramatizing, as usual. What is "wealthy" and what is "lower-income"? https://t.co/dHIDHRY7Jr And btw, y'all need to stop sending money to bernie 'cause he ain't giving any of it back.
@GraceinVeritas @CBCOttawa Which part did I say was wrong. Your income is down, poverty. https://t.co/dxKZpiFZlu
@saturnow Biden! N'estic segur que per protegir els ciutadans d'USA té prevista una reforma sanitària ambiciosa que no condemni als més pobres a haver-se d'hipotecar per pagar la factura del metge o viure en la "pobresa" sanitària. https://t.co/RmGaLRAYyA
Woke-ism is destroying the disadvantaged and only increasing the inequality gap. It won’t stop until people start asking questions and demanding answers.
Rather than acknowledging this as an extension of a structural life expectancy gap in America, school board members have opted to preach equity while simultaneously exacerbating the underlying problems (poverty, quality of education, access to care). https
RT @MechaDenny: This is the crux of it: Life expectancy is a function of how much money you make. There will never be a solution to this…
“貧困層に限っていうと、格差の大きいニューヨーク・サンフランシスコに住んでいる人のほうが、格差の小さいダラス・デトロイトに住んでいる人よりも寿命が長いという結果でした(Figure4: https://t.co/fYldJjx7tz )” https://t.co/dn3En7qEMW
@barbfriedberg @Investopedia Except longevity is tied to earnings. https://t.co/IHfRr7E8OZ)%20longer%20than%20men.
"The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years for men and 10.1 years for women." https://t.co/ZVwatB320y
@NBedera The figures in this paper are beautiful, but not a big fan of the writing style for clinical papers. https://t.co/Yqgrbkbuie
RT @MechaDenny: This is the crux of it: Life expectancy is a function of how much money you make. There will never be a solution to this…
@steubens7 That is awful. Can I see a reference? What fraction had comorbidities? What was the average age? Here is a paper that correlates life expectancy vs wages. How much life is lost due to lowered wages? How do you value economic deprivation and mise
RT @MechaDenny: This is the crux of it: Life expectancy is a function of how much money you make. There will never be a solution to this…
RT @MechaDenny: This is the crux of it: Life expectancy is a function of how much money you make. There will never be a solution to this…
RT @MechaDenny: This is the crux of it: Life expectancy is a function of how much money you make. There will never be a solution to this…
RT @MechaDenny: This is the crux of it: Life expectancy is a function of how much money you make. There will never be a solution to this…
RT @MechaDenny: This is the crux of it: Life expectancy is a function of how much money you make. There will never be a solution to this…
@AVATRAVEL1 @IDogbegah @geo_walters @PunchableFaceVI @MelaynaLokosky https://t.co/iaBiUuWwYi suggests that life expectancy differences exist, but not 20 years. Also seems to suggest that it's largely about access to education.
Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/xBBCiSwXhe via @JAMA_current part of @JAMANetwork
@VcStalindo @TR2_Ghosts @DiegodeAlencar3 @emicida https://t.co/VLqsw5QyGQ. Aqui tem um estudo sobre a curva de preston que analisa a correlação entre capital e expectativa de vida e tem bastantes outros também que são bem legais de ler
Reference here, this one says 15 years for men, over 10 for women. That’s huge https://t.co/yMGgMgVG23
RT @MizuhoK: @tyonarock @mikihirano スウェーデンでは最裕福層と最貧相層の平均寿命の差が18年あります。 https://t.co/9snYbBMdJk アメリカではその差は男性で14.6歳、女性で10.1歳です。 https://t.co/…
@tyonarock @mikihirano スウェーデンでは最裕福層と最貧相層の平均寿命の差が18年あります。 https://t.co/9snYbBMdJk アメリカではその差は男性で14.6歳、女性で10.1歳です。 https://t.co/KQU1Xnte8F こうしたコロナ禍以前からあった格差が今顕著化しているという事でしょう。
@Sara_Peltola The life expectancy, that was already declining. Yea, it's not a problem for the rich https://t.co/YcM6WZppeK https://t.co/cBuvWHDGBC
RT @hydeparkerchi: Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/NilBDw75Xg via @JAMA_current part of @J…
Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States https://t.co/NilBDw75Xg via @JAMA_current part of @JAMANetwork
@mpmascari Hola acá esta el doc de Chetty y otros 2016 https://t.co/1GfCKdKdRu y tambien en esta web https://t.co/93lS8QRC2k