ChatGPT gives better answers to health-related questions than human physicians, study finds
A recent study explored the performance of ChatGPT in generating responses to health-related questions posted on Reddit’s r/AskDo…
A recent study explored the performance of ChatGPT in generating responses to health-related questions posted on Reddit’s r/AskDo…
AI never gets compassion fatigue and can help doctors have more patience with their patients.
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Wat zijn de mogelijkheden en risico's van digitalisering voor onze hersenen? Om deze vraag te beantwoorden, verkende het…
En lisant le centre de ressources IA du groupe JAMA, j’ai repris un article ayant déjà un an et cité bientôt 650 fois car il a ét…
Hidden dangers in seeking medical advice from LLMsContinue reading on Towards Data Science »
AI augmentation holds promise to help doctors draft responses to patient questions, though clinician oversight will still be…
In today’s digitized, on-demand world, patients frequently use portals to send their physicians questions and requests. Today…
Patients aren’t going to care if their health care needs are met by a physician or a language model. All they’re going to care…
Move over artificial intelligence (AI)! There might be room for artificial empathy (AE).
Can AI chatbots give people accurate information about cancer and its treatment? The answer appears to be: Not yet. Results…
AI has captured our imagination and promises to change the world. Medical chatbots could revolutionize an overburdened…
Can AI therapy replace human counselors? Explore how AI is transforming mental healthcare—increasing access and personalization…
As a fourth-year ophthalmology resident at Emory University School of Medicine, Riley Lyons’ biggest responsibilities include…
For the record, it’s one study and details in the news release about how it was constructed and how results were analyzed are…
In this Editor Spotlight, Dr. Kuo-Cherh Huang shares recent developments in healthcare research, his view on Open Access and…
A recent Medpage Today article reviews a research article published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Nidhi Subbaraman, in a topic-relat…
We usually think about automation and artificial intelligence having roles in performing low-skill, mundane tasks; the type of…
Blogpost 26/2023 Over the past few months, general-purpose artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a hot topic for…
Welcome to the future.
The new artificial intelligence technologies are getting a lot of buzz. How are they likely to be used and how will they affect…
Are artificial intelligence chatbot assistants capable of providing the same level of quality and empathy as human doctors?
Impact of retirement on health.JAMA articles on physician use of AI (1, 2, 3)Is the COVID-19 emergency over?What EHR reforms…
Well before the advent of chat GPT, popular culture has explored how technology might affect health care, often with a…
Study evaluated the ability of an AI chatbot assistant to provide quality and empathetic responses to patient questions. The…
Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images) When it comes to artificial intelligence, the hype, hope, and…
ChatGPT’s responses to patient questions rated higher for quality and empathy than…
May 1, 2023Posted by Jay LivingstonHelp. A couple of hours ago, I swallowed a wooden toothpick that the cook had missed when…
Is it a tool or a toy? A genius or a dumbass? A technological breakthrough or a flash in the pan? You’ve heard of ChatGPT… Interview with: Zechariah Zhu,...
These days, ChatGPT is a hot topic of conversation, with some embracing the ever-developing AI-driven technology and some…
ChatGPT outperforms physicians in providing high-quality, empathetic answer...Read more on AuntMinnie.comRelated Reading…
Do patients prefer AI or physician responses to their questions. Based on a study in JAMA Internal Medicine by Ayers et al (2023…
FRIDAY, April 28, 2023 (HealthDay News) — An artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot assistant generates quality and empathetic…
ChatGPT rated higher in quality and empathy of written advice, raising possibility of medical assistance roleChatGPT appears to…
AI may not replace your doctor anytime soon, but it will probably be answering their emails. A study published in JAMA Internal…