The latest on COVID-19 and the heart in children
Pediatric News ,
The 2022 Pediatric Academic Societies meeting included an excellent session on the acute and delayed effects of COVID-19 on…
The Latest on COVID-19 and the Heart in Children
The 2022 Pediatric Academic Societies meeting included an excellent session on the acute and delayed effects of COVID-19 on…
Hyper inflammatory syndrome following COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in children: A national post-authorization pharmacovigilance study
The Lancet,
BackgroundMultisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is the most severe clinical entity associated with pediatric…
COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe, Effective for Kids
A variety of studies by different reseaech groups have now confirmed that the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is safe for…
COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe, Effective for Kids
A variety of studies by different reseaech groups have now confirmed that the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is safe for…
COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe, Effective for Kids
A variety of studies by different reseaech groups have now confirmed that the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is safe for…
COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe, Effective for Kids
A variety of studies by different reseaech groups have now confirmed that the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is safe for…
A 15-year-old describes his year of recovery from post-COVID heart syndrome MIS-C, and why it drove him to get vaccinated
15-year-old Abie Martinez is one of the 7,450 children and teens across the US who've developed MIS-C during the pandemic.
A 15-year-old describes his year of recovery from post-COVID heart syndrome MIS-C, and why it drove him to get vaccinated
Business Insider Nederland,
15-year-old Abie Martinez is one of the 7,450 children and teens across the US who've developed MIS-C during the pandemic.
A 15-year-old describes his year of recovery from post-COVID heart syndrome MIS-C, and why it drove him to get vaccinated
Daily Magazine,
15-year-old Abie Martinez is one of the 7,450 children and teens across the US who've developed MIS-C during the pandemic.
A 15-year-old describes his year of recovery from post-COVID heart syndrome MIS-C, and why it drove him to get vaccinated
Yahoo! Finance Canada ,
15-year-old Abie Martinez is one of the 7,450 children and teens across the US who've developed MIS-C during the pandemic.
A 15-year-old describes his year of recovery from post-COVID heart syndrome MIS-C, and why it drove him to get vaccinated
Yahoo! News,
15-year-old Abie Martinez is one of the 7,450 children and teens across the US who've developed MIS-C during the pandemic.
A 15-year-old describes his year of recovery from post-COVID heart syndrome MIS-C, and why it drove him to get vaccinated
Business Insider India,
Advertisement In January of 2021, Abie Martinez's body was in trouble. What started out as red eyes, reminiscent of a pink eye…
A 15-year-old describes his year of recovery from post-COVID heart syndrome MIS-C, and why it drove him to get vaccinated
Yahoo! News,
15-year-old Abie Martinez is one of the 7,450 children and teens across the US who've developed MIS-C during the pandemic.
A 15-year-old describes his year of recovery from post-COVID heart syndrome MIS-C, and why it drove him to get vaccinated
Business Insider,
15-year-old Abie Martinez is one of the 7,450 children and teens across the US who've developed MIS-C during the pandemic.
A 15-year-old describes his year of recovery from post-COVID heart syndrome MIS-C, and why it drove him to get vaccinated
Business Insider Australia ,
15-year-old Abie Martinez is one of the 7,450 children and teens across the US who’ve developed MIS-C during the pandemic.
PIMS : existe-t-il un lien entre le vaccin anti-Covid-19 et le syndrome inflammatoire multi-systémique pédiatrique ?
Dans de rares cas après une infection au Covid-19, les enfants peuvent être touchés par un syndrome inflammatoire multi-systémiqu…
Eine komplexe Abwägung: Warum ich mein Kind off-label gegen Corona impfen ließ
Hannoversche Allgemeine,
Meine zweieinhalbjährige Tochter kommt neben meinen Schreibtisch gekrabbelt und ruft „Ich bin jetzt ein armes Kätzchen“.
Covid-19: Wie sinnvoll die Impfung von Kindern wirklich ist
Covid-19: Wie sinnvoll die Impfung von Kindern wirklich ist Bei Kindern ist die Inzidenz am höchsten- doch nur 20Prozent der Fünf…
Eine komplexe Abwägung: Warum ich mein Kind off-label gegen Corona impfen ließ
Göttinger Tageblatt,
Meine zweieinhalbjährige Tochter kommt neben meinen Schreibtisch gekrabbelt und ruft „Ich bin jetzt ein armes Kätzchen“.
Désinfox. Covid-19 : le port du masque à l'école est-il vraiment inutile, comme le dit Dupont-Aignan ?
Le Progres de Lyon,
Le gouvernement a esquissé dimanche la fin du masque en classe aux alentours du printemps.
Désinfox. Covid-19 : le port du masque à l'école est-il vraiment inutile, comme le dit Dupont-Aignan ?
Le Républicain Lorrain,
Le gouvernement a esquissé dimanche la fin du masque en classe aux alentours du printemps.
Covid-19 : le port du masque à l'école est-il vraiment inutile, comme le dit Dupont-Aignan ? 07:00 Présidentielle 2022
Le journal on line de SaÔne-et-Loire,
Un vent de liberté pourrait souffler à l'école au printemps. Le ministre de l'Education nationale, Jean-Michel Blanquer, a…
Covid-19 : le port du masque à l'école est-il vraiment inutile, comme le dit ... 07:00 Présidentielle 2022
L'Est Républicain,
Un vent de liberté pourrait souffler à l'école au printemps. Le ministre de l'Education nationale, Jean-Michel Blanquer, a…
Désinfox. Covid-19 : le port du masque à l'école est-il vraiment inutile, comme le dit Dupont-Aignan ?
L'Alsace ,
Un vent de liberté pourrait souffler à l'école au printemps. Le ministre de l'Education nationale, Jean-Michel Blanquer, a…
Désinfox. Covid-19 : le port du masque à l'école est-il vraiment inutile, comme le dit Dupont-Aignan ?
Le Dauphiné Libéré,
L'autre étude a été menée à l'échelle du comté. Les auteurs se sont intéressés au taux d'incidence chez les mineurs et ont…
Hausse des cas du syndrome inflammatoire post-Covid chez l’enfant (PIMS) : les symptômes à reconnaître
Le syndrome inflammatoire multi-systémique pédiatrique (PIMS) touche principalement les enfants entre 4 et 11 ans, et se déclare…
Why kids under 5 still can't get a COVID-19 vaccine
National Geographic,
Though vaccines have restored some semblance of pre-pandemic life for most people in the United States, one group is still…
Why kids under 5 still can't get a COVID-19 vaccine
Head Topics,
Vaccine, Covid-19 4 hours ago Here’s what experts say about the process for approving vaccines for kids under five—and how to…
PIMS: ce qu'il faut savoir sur ce syndrome qui touche les enfants après un Covid
Allo Docteur,
Qu'est-ce que le "PIMS", ce syndrome qui peut survenir chez les enfants quatre à six semaines après un Covid ? Symptômes…
ATAGI update following weekly COVID-19 meeting – 12 January 2022
Australian Government Department of Health,
Date published: 17 January 2022 Type: News Intended audience: General public Latest recommendation updates: Previously…
News story from L'Express on Friday 14 January 2022
COVID-19 live updates: Kenney, Hinshaw to provide update Thursday afternoon; Record-breaking 6,789 new cases, 15 deaths Wednesday; Over 1,000 teachers absent from Edmonton schools Wednesday
SaltWire ,
STORY CONTINUES BELOW THESE SALTWIRE VIDEOS With COVID-19 news changing every day, we have created this file to keep you up-to-da…
COVID-19 live updates: Alberta's restock of rapid tests delayed; Omicron cases dwarf official reports across Canada; Feds shut down Raptors season in Toronto
SaltWire ,
STORY CONTINUES BELOW THESE SALTWIRE VIDEOS With COVID-19 news changing every day, we have created this file to keep you up-to-da…
COVID-19 live updates: Tax threat sees thousands sign up for first vaccine dose in Quebec; Alberta's restock of rapid tests delayed; Feds shut down Raptors season in Toronto
Edmonton Journal,
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News story from Le Monde on Wednesday 12 January 2022
Le Monde,
World News | We Shouldn't Delay the Start of School Due to Omicron. 2 Paediatric Infectious Disease Experts Explain | LatestLY
Sydney, Jan 12 (The Conversation) With Omicron daily infection rates in the tens of thousands, there have been calls for states…
We shouldn’t delay the start of school due to Omicron. 2 paediatric infectious disease experts explain Australia
With Omicron's daily infection rates in the tens of thousands, there have been calls for states to delay the start of the…
Delaying school start won’t help but will harm
Medical Republic,
12 January 2022 With Omicron daily infection rates in the tens of thousands, there have been calls for states to delay the…
COVID-19 live updates: PCR testing limited to high-risk cases; ER doctor shortages; Omicron keeps Edmonton teachers and staff at home
Edmonton Journal,
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MIL-Evening Report: We shouldn’t delay the start of school due to Omicron. 2 paediatric infectious disease experts explain
Foreign Affairs New Zealand,
– By Fiona Russell, Senior Principal Research Fellow; paediatrician; infectious diseases epidemiologist; vaccinologist, The…
We shouldn't delay the start of school due to Omicron. 2 paediatric infectious disease experts explain
Yahoo! News,
With Omicron daily infection rates in the tens of thousands, there have been calls for states to delay the start of the school…
We shouldn't delay the start of school due to Omicron. 2 paediatric infectious disease experts explain
The Conversation,
With Omicron daily infection rates in the tens of thousands, there have been calls for states to delay the start of the school…
We shouldn’t delay the start of school due to Omicron. 2 paediatric infectious disease experts explain
Global Advisors,
Shutterstock With Omicron daily infection rates in the tens of thousands, there have been calls for states to delay the start…
We shouldn't delay the start of school due to Omicron. 2 paediatric infectious disease experts explain
With Omicron daily infection rates in the tens of thousands, there have been calls for states to delay the start of the school…
Omicron : bond des hospitalisations d’enfants, mais peu de cas lourds
Les hospitalisations chez les 0-19 ans ont été multipliées par 10 au Québec avec la vague Omicron du SRAS-CoV-2.
Omicron : bond des hospitalisations d’enfants, mais peu de cas lourds,
Les hospitalisations chez les 0-19 ans ont été multipliées par 10 au Québec avec la vague Omicron du SRAS-CoV-2.
CDC: Pfizer Vaccine Blunts Severe COVID Complication in Teens
MedPage Today,
Infectious Disease > COVID-19 Vaccine Unvaccinated patients with MIS-C required the most extensive care Two doses of Pfizer/BioNT…
COVID-19 vaccines significantly cut MIS-C risk in teens
(HealthDay)—COVID-19 mRNA vaccination is associated with a lower incidence of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS…
COVID-19 vaccines significantly cut MIS-C risk in teens
(HealthDay)—COVID-19 mRNA vaccination is associated with a lower incidence of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS…
COVID-19 Vaccines Significantly Cut MIS-C Risk in Teens
Health Day ,
Of 107 children hospitalized with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, none were fully vaccinated Adobe Stock FRIDAY…
COVID-19 Vaccines Significantly Cut MIS-C Risk in Teens,
News Professional FRIDAY, Jan. 7, 2022 -- COVID-19 mRNA vaccination is associated with a lower incidence of multisystem…
COVID-19 live updates: Trudeau, Tam to hold first federal update of new year; Active cases in Alberta nearly double; Anti-masker Kevin J. Johnston arrested at U.S. border
Edmonton Journal,
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COVID-Impfschutz schwindet nach Monaten nur teilweise
Arzte Zeitung ,
Corona-Studien-Splitter Je länger die COVID-19-Impfung zurückliegt, desto geringer ist der Schutz, so eine US-Studie.
Weniger Hospitalisierungen mit Omikron; Impfpflicht: Ethikrat gibt Okay
Im Medscape-Corona-Newsblog finden Sie regelmäßig die aktuellen Trends zu Neuinfektionen und Belegung von Intensivstationen…
Covid-Impfung schützt Jugendliche vor schwerer Entzündungskrankheit PIMS
Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk,
Kinder und Jugendliche können nach einer Covid-19 die schwere Entzündungskrankheit PIMS entwickeln.
COVID-19: TCTMD’s Dispatch for December 22
We’re curating a list of COVID-19 research and other useful content, and updating it regularly.
Vaccination des enfants de 5 à 11 ans possible dès aujourd’hui : ce que l’on sait du rapport risques bénéfices
La vaccination est ouverte à l'ensemble des enfants de 5-11 ans à partir de ce mercredi 22 décembre.
News Scan for Dec 21, 2021
Centre for Disease Research and Policy,
Study: 0 of 107 French teens with MIS-C fully vaccinated against COVID-19 A study of 107 French teens hospitalized with the…