RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: "In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relativ…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: "In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relativ…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
Vitamin D is even more important in mid winter! 🌥☀️
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: "In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relativ…
RT @robinmonotti: "In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relativ…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: "In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relativ…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: "In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relativ…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: "In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relativ…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
Sun, light me up
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: "In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relativ…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
RT @robinmonotti: What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social dis…
What reduces your chances of Covid19 infection are not lockdowns, not tier systems, not face masks, & not even social distancing: it''s vitamin D, stupid!
今年、JAMAに掲載された論文。 https://t.co/jNDZTMze7p
@CDCgov Vitamin D...!!! "The low costs of vitamin D and its general safety, at least at doses of up to 4000 IU per day,34 support arguments for population-level supplementation, perhaps for targeting groups at high risk for vitamin D deficiency and/or COV
@aria606 @tiffbeck16 @DBelardoMD I wasn't ignoring your link I was busy reading the full article https://t.co/TeHOHF5PFY
@svtnyheter Vitamin D...!!! "The low costs of vitamin D and its general safety, at least at doses of up to 4000 IU per day,34 support arguments for population-level supplementation, perhaps for targeting groups at high risk for vitamin D deficiency and/or
@svtnyheter No need.. Eat this!! Vitamin D...!!! "The low costs of vitamin D and its safety, at least at doses of up to 4000 per day support arguments for population-level supplementation, for targeting groups at high risk for vitamin D deficiency and/or
@Nyheterna Vitamin D...!!! "The low costs of vitamin D and its general safety, at least at doses of up to 4000 IU per day,34 support arguments for population-level supplementation, perhaps for targeting groups at high risk for vitamin D deficiency and/or
هذه الدراسة اجدها متزامنة مع دراسة نُشرت قبل شهرين في جاما المجلة الامريكية للطب حيث كانت: نقص في فيتامين د قد يزيد من احتمالية ان تكون المسحة ايجابية لكوفيد١٩ مصدر: https://t.co/i58idsJIlW
@svtnyheter No need for vax.. "The low costs of vitamin D and its general safety, at least at doses of up to 4000 IU per day,34 support arguments for population-level supplementation, perhaps for targeting groups at high risk for vitamin D deficiency and/
@svtnyheter "The low costs of vitamin D and its general safety, at least at doses of up to 4000 IU per day,34 support arguments for population-level supplementation, perhaps for targeting groups at high risk for vitamin D deficiency and/or COVID-19" https:
@SR_Nyheter @sr_ekot "The low costs of vitamin D and its general safety, at least at doses of up to 4000 IU per day, support arguments for population-level supplementation, perhaps for targeting groups at high risk for vitamin D deficiency and/or COVID-19"
"The low costs of vitamin D and its general safety, at least at doses of up to 4000 IU per day,34 support arguments for population-level supplementation, perhaps for targeting groups at high risk for vitamin D deficiency and/or COVID-19" https://t.co/JVLw1
J'aime bien aussi cette étude britannique parue en septembre. Elle met en évidence que la carence en vitamine D est associée à un risque accru de contracter SARS-CoV-2. Les mesures de vitamine D ont été prises avant l'infection, pas à l'hôpital. https://t.
Vitamin D deficiency and Covid risk https://t.co/QXTHwzqN5F
RT @Schulbz: .@Mangan150 and @GuruAnaerobic have been advocating for exposure to the sun to get more Vitamin D. Below are patients from 191…
.@Mangan150 and @GuruAnaerobic have been advocating for exposure to the sun to get more Vitamin D. Below are patients from 1918 flu being exposed to the sun. Now science is pointing in the same direction. https://t.co/uob3HCvkVD Photo courtesy: @guardian
@rencontrejfm @LCI Attention, c'est sur prescription, car il faut éviter les surdosages qui ont des effets assez néfastes. En cherchant sur JAMANet voici une étude concernant cette vitamine et la Covid. https://t.co/I9t0cbwKPf
@Foamofthedaze burada ayrıntı var... https://t.co/SHcGcLYJjT
RT @mythoughtfood: Someone called me a conspiracy theorist in March for saying optimal Vitamin D3 levels are vital for the immune system.…
Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results https://t.co/7Z0rwM6TQK via @JAMANetworkOpen part of @JAMANetwork
Public Service Announcement from me at LowSaltTV re COVID - 19
Take your magnesium! 💊 Ensure that the recommended amount of magnesium is consumed to obtain the optimal benefits of vitamin D. - https://t.co/rZjV06wixF 09-03-2020: Deficient vitamin D status was associated with increased COVID-19 risk. - https://t.co/bMr
@drjjw Seen this right? https://t.co/JIKlIVCMwk Lotsa money has gone to a large RCT now 🤦🏽♂️
A new study found that 80% of COIVD patients were vitamin D deficient. https://t.co/9EubPzo364 With winter approaching & us getting less & less sun, it's very important to make sure we are getting enough Vitamin D. To find the best sources of Vi
Studierna som anges som källor: * https://t.co/ucU54tMqgn * https://t.co/J5jE5OG5K5
https://t.co/wGqdy44ogD Según este estudio, la probabilidad de resultar positivo a una prueba de COVID-19 fue 1.77 mayor entre quienes tenían deficiencias en vitamina D.
RT @mythoughtfood: Someone called me a conspiracy theorist in March for saying optimal Vitamin D3 levels are vital for the immune system.…
RT @mythoughtfood: Someone called me a conspiracy theorist in March for saying optimal Vitamin D3 levels are vital for the immune system.…
RT @mythoughtfood: Someone called me a conspiracy theorist in March for saying optimal Vitamin D3 levels are vital for the immune system.…
Someone called me a conspiracy theorist in March for saying optimal Vitamin D3 levels are vital for the immune system. Yet University of Chicago Medical Center patients with low levels were twice as likely to test positive (Suspicious correlation?) https:
Cohort study of 489 who had a vitD level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relative risk of testing pos for COVID-19 was 1.77x greater for patients deficient vitD status compared with sufficient vitD status, statistically significant https:
RT @sk1sg2: In JAMA, a single-center, retrospective cohort study found an association between vitamin D deficiency and increased COVID-19 r…
RT @tomaspueyo: A few days ago, another paper showed that ppl who likely had higher Vit D (as measured the year before) were also 45% less…
RT @doc_howyafeelin: Maybe another reason to check vitamin D level (or just sprinkle it in the water with the statins...). @KP_CommunityMed…
@BrendanFeeley1 @gregdigi @AmandaPresto @realDonaldTrump Exactly. It’s almost as effective as avoiding a nursing home in NY/NJ/CT. Studies show sufficient vitamin D will cut your chance of catching it in half. And if you catch it, it will cut your chanc
RT @GuiltFreeTips: Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results https://t.co/UpcQ83d7B6 vi…
RT @eVDBGQP1vRkvakv: ビタミンⅮにも効果があります。しかしですよ、九州南部や沖縄で、漁など自然な暮らしをしている人にそれが必要かと言われたら、おそらくまったく必要ないでしょう。現代人はどこであれ、穴倉にこもってツイッターとか仕事とかやってるからダメなわけです…
@qJLP8hwDnnxdbci @farposting JAMA論文もあります。https://t.co/2wVB9kgl8J 少なくともマスコミが言うようなデマではないように思います。冬場は日光に積極的にあたる、サプリを採る、で損はしないでしょう。 @iGWmYJ8todSS5j8
Vitamin D scheint einen Einfluss auf die Ansteckung mit #Covid19 zu haben. Das könnte ein Faktor für die aktuell steigenden Zahlen sein, denn mit weniger Sonne sinkt auch der Vitamin D Spiegel. https://t.co/rR5cpB8yp9
RT @sk1sg2: In JAMA, a single-center, retrospective cohort study found an association between vitamin D deficiency and increased COVID-19 r…
In JAMA, a single-center, retrospective cohort study found an association between vitamin D deficiency and increased COVID-19 risk. Further studies likely required to confirm the findings. https://t.co/Mh99ZIFc27
RT @catanzarogroup: Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results https://t.co/RBdnxyaDCI v…
RT @ErwinBoydens: @patjqm nog meer bewijs voor sterke relatie tussen ziek worden van Covid en vit D tekort https://t.co/2KB8ls6mg6
@patjqm nog meer bewijs voor sterke relatie tussen ziek worden van Covid en vit D tekort https://t.co/2KB8ls6mg6
@zev_dr Then you will not mind if we #VoteGreen for #M4A. Vitamin D works by the way. https://t.co/4tH8iZU35W https://t.co/bkvCC1tpVr
@bslagter wellicht interessant/relevant voor het #redteam19. Te lage Vitamine D3 spiegel in bloed: 77% grotere kans op ziek worden door Corona Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results. 3 september 2020.
Cohort study of 489 who had a vitD level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relative risk of testing pos for COVID-19 was 1.77 x greater for patients deficient vitD status compared with sufficient vitD status, statistically significant. http
@AlexBerenson Vitamin D and Zinc give pretty big bang for the buck. Vitamin D paper: https://t.co/2lEc1OymDp Zinc papers: Once in hosptial https://t.co/t4k0y0DaDR Hospitalization Risk https://t.co/oQdGKJR2ND Early Intervention https://t.co/SiBisRpyYs
@inese_liepina Jūs par šo pētījumu runājat? https://t.co/Vwp88Kl4Yp Varat iecitēt, kurā vietā ir teikts par lielām devām un intensīvo terapiju?
Maybe another reason to check vitamin D level (or just sprinkle it in the water with the statins...). @KP_CommunityMed Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results https://t.co/2Aeo8aHOoT via @JAMANetworkOp
And, " In this single-center, retrospective cohort study, likely deficient vitamin D status was associated with increased COVID-19 risk" https://t.co/QuUALj6ylz
RT @PamPeekeMD: New Study Found 80% of COVID-19 Patients Were Vitamin D Deficient https://t.co/Hv3OrXJtSd Get 25-hydroxy Vit D test. Expert…
New Study Found 80% of COVID-19 Patients Were Vitamin D Deficient https://t.co/Hv3OrXJtSd Get 25-hydroxy Vit D test. Experts recd level between 30-50ng/ml. Supplement and/or foods: salmon, mushrooms, egg, milk. #COVID #WomenInMedicine #VitD #fish
Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results https://t.co/RBdnxyaDCI via @JAMANetworkOpen part of @JAMANetwork