RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Ans…
Lydia Bourouiba studies how far the stuff that comes out of your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze travels. Answer: a long way. Common sense says that something placed across the mouth and nose will block some of these flying germs. https://t.co/UPE
RT @etxberria55: Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions: Potential Implications for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19 | In…
@gagnerparis @LauStmartin Soutenir ce gouvernement ?! Vous n'y pensez pas une seconde https://t.co/BbRsvy4fwu
@Jay9185 @noiwontquit @rtenews Allow me to point you to some educational material on https://t.co/3MTXxBYR4O
@BestStephen I respectfully disagree, because: 1. They lied about distancing. The 6ft spread just from breathing, but talking sends them farther. source: https://t.co/QMlPJ4LwA0
March 26, 2020 https://t.co/q5kA1vqAt2
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/6YlV94O1Qv via @JAMA_current part of @JAMANetwork Waarom de 1.5 meter (1935,TBC,Wells) een compromis is omdat 8-10 meter !!! in de praktijk niet lukt.Vergeten wij nog een windvlaag in het
@BrianLehrer of note, cigarette smoke doesn’t travel like the virus. Especially with a cough or sneeze. The virus would travel MUCH further. Pls refer to MIT model in JAMA: https://t.co/fRdsQGeexR
@cmptrs4now @TheBenStacey @NewWorldHominin @TheeBert If you want to go further back in time though... We have known they were a wise idea for 13 months. https://t.co/dhgXZKMgIC
RT @Rob_Bee_Gee: @MyrneStol @CNBC @SallyFereday The 6 ft is a joke. It has been since March of last year. Yet, restaurants accept indoor di…
@imjdsharp This MIT prof says 23' - 27' in 2020. Research has changed? https://t.co/JpHcPH88OV
RT @Rob_Bee_Gee: @zeynep @linseymarr @jljcolorado We knew that since March of last year. The 6 ft rule has been a joke for all this time a…
RT @Rob_Bee_Gee: @zeynep @linseymarr @jljcolorado We knew that since March of last year. The 6 ft rule has been a joke for all this time a…
RT @Rob_Bee_Gee: @zeynep @linseymarr @jljcolorado We knew that since March of last year. The 6 ft rule has been a joke for all this time a…
@MyrneStol @CNBC @SallyFereday The 6 ft is a joke. It has been since March of last year. Yet, restaurants accept indoor dining. I won't even accept an outdoor table, close to fools shouting with no masks. https://t.co/EKYF6TRJKv
@zeynep @linseymarr @jljcolorado We knew that since March of last year. The 6 ft rule has been a joke for all this time and people keep repeating it like a broken record. https://t.co/EKYF6TRJKv
@alexandersalas0 @loomonsforever @Anlipa @inconsistente ¿Cuál es la sana distancia? ¿1.5 metros? 😂😂 https://t.co/EKYF6TRJKv
RT @MIT_CEE: New today: in an article published by @JAMA_current, @MIT Prof. Lydia Bourouiba suggests a new model for respiratory emissions…
RT @ProfBuehlerMIT: Important work by my colleague Prof. Lydia Bourouiba @FluidsAndHealth @MIT_CEE #coronavirus https://t.co/vSLx418C5z
RT @MITMechE: In a new article published today in @JAMA_current, Associate Professor Lydia Bourouiba suggests a new model for respiratory d…
@drmgonzalez7 Las mascarillas se recomendaron por transmisión aérea. A corta distancia o larga distancia sigue siendo transmisión aérea. El asunto del aerosol ya desde marzo del 2020 habían estudios del asunto. La transmisión aérea en aerosol es un dato co
Very fine, up-to-date summary on the evidence on aerosol transmission of #SARSCoV2. Recall, there has been early evidence @jamanetwork, 26 March 2020! https://t.co/toEN3WlfwH
@Anewdaw36571218 @brosseau_lisa @joncoopertweets 6 feet?😂 Folks insist on the 6 feet guideline which has been proven incorrect for more than year. 27 feet is the minimal distance. https://t.co/EKYF6TRJKv
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions https://t.co/jsDCbNFdS5 @JAMA_current part of @JAMANetworkより
RT @solvealltheprob: @MaryFernando_ JAMA article says Covid spreads up to 7 ft just breathing, 19 ft with coughing and up to 26 ft with sne…
#COVIDisAirborne #COVID19 Six feet was never enough. Surgical masks indoors are not enough. All indoor workers deserve our support! Give them access to vaccines now.
@MaryFernando_ JAMA article says Covid spreads up to 7 ft just breathing, 19 ft with coughing and up to 26 ft with sneezing. Six feet was never enough, and it can hang in the air for 3 hours indoors. Reference: https://t.co/QMlPJ4LwA0
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Remember: there is *good science* on how turbulent gas clouds of exhaled air spread respiratory infection. This is mec…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @trishgreenhalgh: Remember: there is *good science* on how turbulent gas clouds of exhaled air spread respiratory infection. This is mec…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
RT @DrPieterPeach: Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subj…
Video of a turbulent gas cloud migrating respiratory particles in an amount no doubt sufficient to infect 8m from a subject expelling air violently. The physics of aerosol transmission is much more complex than the large droplet/droplet nuclei dichotomy l
RT @ValdescaBB: MEMORIA DE LA PANDEMIA MARZO 2020 8 metros un estornudo. https://t.co/WgAE2ohNq2 Una foto que me impacto, es una distanci…
@sourpatchlyds False, evidence suggests this should be HIGHER not lower. Six feet is because more is not practically achievable. https://t.co/ssCeGfRoH8
RT @mstewart999: @YouAreLobbyLud @AnnastaciaMP Another just published study on airborne transmission below. Mind you we should not need th…
@YouAreLobbyLud @AnnastaciaMP Another just published study on airborne transmission below. Mind you we should not need this - Asian countries reinforced to us at the start in case we were stupid enough to ignore the science. https://t.co/d0GtZBDZ89
Turbulent Gas Clouds & Respiratory Pathogen Emissions Potential Implications for Reducing #Transmission of #COVID-19 @JAMA_current Includes a Video: Gas Clouds Demonstrate Their Ability to Travel Great Distances #IAQ #HVAC #Aerosols https://t.co/Qcj
@Rob_Stubbs1 @j_g_allen Some data you missed. #mapoli #maedu
@massupt @Bethmarie614 27 ft is the new safe distancing number. https://t.co/Eg5AhaSAWT
RT @robinmonotti: This is the entirely suspect MIT study of 26th March 2020, which completely misrepresented aerosol transmission. It was o…
RT @robinmonotti: This is the entirely suspect MIT study of 26th March 2020, which completely misrepresented aerosol transmission. It was o…
RT @robinmonotti: This is the entirely suspect MIT study of 26th March 2020, which completely misrepresented aerosol transmission. It was o…
RT @robinmonotti: This is the entirely suspect MIT study of 26th March 2020, which completely misrepresented aerosol transmission. It was o…
RT @robinmonotti: This is the entirely suspect MIT study of 26th March 2020, which completely misrepresented aerosol transmission. It was o…
RT @robinmonotti: This is the entirely suspect MIT study of 26th March 2020, which completely misrepresented aerosol transmission. It was o…
RT @robinmonotti: This is the entirely suspect MIT study of 26th March 2020, which completely misrepresented aerosol transmission. It was o…
RT @robinmonotti: This is the entirely suspect MIT study of 26th March 2020, which completely misrepresented aerosol transmission. It was o…
This is the entirely suspect MIT study of 26th March 2020, which completely misrepresented aerosol transmission. It was obvious that this was part of a covert effort to shift the narrative towards masking, ignoring all previous aerosol exhalation science!
@GeraldPassedat Attention ! ceci n'est pas de la coke .. 26 MARS 2020. As the SARS-Cov-2 were effective at ranges of up to 8.2 meters. Dr Pottinger said he believes more people would be sick et d'autres ont pu être affectés par la désinformation précédent
@GeraldPassedat 26 MARS 2020. As the SARS-Cov-2 were effective at ranges of up to 27 feet (8.2 meters), as Bourouiba contends in her research, Dr Pottinger said he believes more people would be sick et d'autres ont pu être affectés par la désinformation pr
@laprovence 26 MARS 2020. .. As the SARS-Cov-2 were effective at ranges of up to 27 feet (8.2 meters), as Bourouiba contends in her research, Dr Pottinger said he believes more people would be sick et d'autres ont pu être affectés par la désinformation pré
@PlanetOheme @MedericGC @OMLaProvence As the SARS-Cov-2 were effective at ranges of up to 27 feet (8.2 meters), as Bourouiba contends in her research, Dr Pottinger said he believes more people would be sick et d'autres ont pu être affectés par la désinform
@GLemouee @laprovence As the SARS-Cov-2 were effective at ranges of up to 27 feet (8.2 meters), as Bourouiba contends in her research, Dr Pottinger said he believes more people would be sick et d'autres ont pu être affectés par la désinformation précédente
@LeHuffPost As the SARS-Cov-2 were effective at ranges of up to 27 feet (8.2 meters), as Bourouiba contends in her research, Dr Pottinger said he believes more people would be sick et d'autres ont pu être affectés par la désinformation précédente. March 26