@SuhanaAh @chrisha_jay …and acquiring a successful career forces you to delay having children https://t.co/EGs9vyLRV1 arguably too long.
RT @JessStrzepkaMD: @olsonplanner Not necessarily fertility numbers but this paper was presented at a fertility lecture at my residency rec…
@olsonplanner Not necessarily fertility numbers but this paper was presented at a fertility lecture at my residency recently “Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians” https://t.co/5kOIxBGS3R via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
I'd like to start by thanking Dr @mccusimano & Prof @enenbee for these great papers - 1. A clever approach to provide higher quality evidence that supports the trend many of us will have anecdotally noted of delayed pregnancy among physicians. https:
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Women physicians appeared to delay childbearing compared to non-physicians, and were more often pregnant at advanced m…
RT @maximebillick: As a result, women in medicine often delay childbirth, as shown in this study out of U of T: https://t.co/92ioLTQd5P 4/7
RT @maximebillick: As a result, women in medicine often delay childbirth, as shown in this study out of U of T: https://t.co/92ioLTQd5P 4/7
As a result, women in medicine often delay childbirth, as shown in this study out of U of T: https://t.co/92ioLTQd5P 4/7
@JamesBatesMD @ASTRO_org This is an important topic for all female physicians. Canadian trial published in JAMA recently: https://t.co/wBpxVO6sgz.
RT @pinoygastro: 🚺 Women physicians appear to delay childbearing compared with nonphysicians 🥇 Median age: 32 yrs old 🧑⚕️most pronounced a…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Women physicians appeared to delay childbearing compared to non-physicians, and were more often pregnant at advanced m…
JAMA internal med 2021 女性医師の出産時年齢は、non-physicianと比較して高い。出産数は変わらないが、それゆえ高い年齢で産むリスクがある。 どの年齢層でも産めるようサポートをするためには、システムの段階から変える必要があるよねと。 https://t.co/u8WGUhPLOR
RT @enenbee: In our @JAMAInternalMed article published today we compared 5,000 👩⚕️physicians to non-physician counterparts to see when/if…
¿Son las médicas + propensas a retrasar la maternidad o menos propensas a tener hijos en comparación con las mujeres no médicas? Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians JAMA Intern Med. 2021 @JAMAInternalMed @JAMANetwork https://t.co/438tUMaF
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Women physicians appeared to delay childbearing compared to non-physicians, and were more often pregnant at advanced m…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Women physicians appeared to delay childbearing compared to non-physicians, and were more often pregnant at advanced m…
RT @JAMAInternalMed: Women physicians appeared to delay childbearing compared to non-physicians, and were more often pregnant at advanced m…
Women physicians appeared to delay childbearing compared to non-physicians, and were more often pregnant at advanced maternal ages when risks of adverse reproductive outcomes are pronounced. Delay was associated with career stage and specialty https://t.co
カナダの研究では,初産時の年齢の中央値は医師でない女性では27歳なのに対し,女性医師では32歳と遅かった. https://t.co/VpPRNa54ik
Las doctoras retrasarían la maternidad, más pronunciado entre especialistas. Las doctoras iniciarían la reproducción a edades más avanzadas y podrían tener mayor riesgo de resultados reproductivos adversos https://t.co/we2XJmgQTM a través de @JAMAInternalM
RT @LekshmiMD: Pearls from our last UCSF WILD-GME session of the year re: Fertility & Academic Medicine w/ Dr. Noel frm UCSF & @LFeingerts…
Thanks @LekshmiMD for capturing pearls from our last https://t.co/lSKNHYb67a session of the academic year on #fertility and #familyplanning
RT @LekshmiMD: Pearls from our last UCSF WILD-GME session of the year re: Fertility & Academic Medicine w/ Dr. Noel frm UCSF & @LFeingerts…
Pearls from our last UCSF WILD-GME session of the year re: Fertility & Academic Medicine w/ Dr. Noel frm UCSF & @LFeingerts -This a sensitive topic & v personal. -MDs more likely to start childbearing later, but ultimately achieved similar pro
They conducted a population-based retrospective cohort study of 5K+ female physicians, using @ICESOntario healthcare administrative data. The team followed them from 15-yrs-old onward to determine whether physicians were more likely to delay pregnancy. htt
RT @mccusimano: Our study @JAMAInternalMed 1️⃣ MDs initiate childbearing later than non-MDs (and specialists later than GPs) 2️⃣ MDs “cat…
RT @enenbee: In our @JAMAInternalMed article published today we compared 5,000 👩⚕️physicians to non-physician counterparts to see when/if…
Not all females have the option to choose family over career. It’s important to be sensitive abs acknowledge the delay of female physicians having children #MedTwitter https://t.co/v0RSiGAFv9
Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians | Women physicians appear to delay childbearing compared with non-physicians, increasing risk. #WomeninMedicine https://t.co/QSxNgKRuBI
Just came across this article in JAMA. Thoughts anyone? I feel like there is quite a bit of truth here tbh. https://t.co/efZwV4MpHj
RT @katierizzolo: Well this should be no surprise: female physicians have to significantly delay childbearing due to the rigors of early-ca…
Well this should be no surprise: female physicians have to significantly delay childbearing due to the rigors of early-career training. 1/ https://t.co/hRDs9QF3WD
“We needed a study to prove our medical institutions & superiors systematically prevent us from pursuing the families we otherwise desired?” - said every med student/physician of child-bearing or -adopting age ever. Keep changing medicine for the bette
Like did they really need to create a study on this??? Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/8k4BQXcLuM via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians. I kind of regret delaying. But hey… new chapter is loading. https://t.co/OtKoq7aJnA via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork
Que me tarde otros 10 años dice la @JAMAInternalMed al fin que es normal.
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @SrihariNaiduMD: Obvious but good to show analytically. Join us tomorrow @joinClubhouseTH to discuss ! @WomenAs1 @NBeygui @bahldisha @ra…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @SrihariNaiduMD: Obvious but good to show analytically. Join us tomorrow @joinClubhouseTH to discuss ! @WomenAs1 @NBeygui @bahldisha @ra…
Obvious but good to show analytically. Join us tomorrow @joinClubhouseTH to discuss ! @WomenAs1 @NBeygui @bahldisha @rajdoc2005 @mmamas1973 @JDawnAbbott1 @purviparwani @DrMarthaGulati @HafizaKMD @ParijaSharedal2 @PragyaRanjan
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @AlohaMeaveMD: Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos…
Importante el poner este tema sobre la mesa y proponer opciones q favorezcan el que médicas logren realizar sus objetivos sin posponer, hasta q en ocasiones incluso sea demasiado tarde. Debemos normalizar la maternidad de médicas y apoyarlas a cumplir toda
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
RT @MinnowWalsh: Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'W…
Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/U2MFoxbEBT via @JAMAInternalMed part of @JAMANetwork 'Women physicians appear to delay childbearing compared with nonphysicians, and this phenomenon is most pronounced among specialists.' #
Nutshell #264: Women physicians tend to have their first child at an older age than nonphysicians, 32 compared to 27, but the overall probability of having children is similar. @JAMAInternalMed https://t.co/K41AuksFrh
Delay of Pregnancy Among Physicians vs Nonphysicians https://t.co/Daoh5VqVkk
RT @MariamSheMD: Eye-opening statistics from @JAMAInternalMed. Women physicians choose to delay childbearing, which leads to infertility i…
Eye-opening statistics from @JAMAInternalMed. Women physicians choose to delay childbearing, which leads to infertility issues and higher risk pregnancies down the road. We need to normalize the choice of childbearing during medical school/residency. #M
RT @enenbee: In our @JAMAInternalMed article published today we compared 5,000 👩⚕️physicians to non-physician counterparts to see when/if…
RT @enenbee: In our @JAMAInternalMed article published today we compared 5,000 👩⚕️physicians to non-physician counterparts to see when/if…
RT @stephanieduk24: Institutional policies like time off in training for parental leave and paid family leave policies are smart initiative…
This hits hard esp. as we celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday - Women physicians get pregnant at more advanced ages than non-physician women, when the risks of infertility & adverse outcomes is higher. Much needs to change for #WomenInMedicine to red
RT @33748agg: Les femmes exerçant la médecine repoussent leur maternité par rapport à la population générale avec une augmentation signific…
Les femmes exerçant la médecine repoussent leur maternité par rapport à la population générale avec une augmentation significative des risques de grossesse.